Hello everyone,
Well it has been a while since I updated so I thought it was time for a catch up! I'll start on the job front!
Well last you all knew i was temping at a lawyers, well i got sacked from that after 2 weeks! Basically my job description was well i'm not too sure as I didn't do anything at all! The guy that I was working for linked my computer up to his and I watched him type and that was it from 8.30-5!! I really am not sure why I was employed in the 1st place! Every morning without fail he would bring in carrot and celery sticks as he was on a health kick and everone in the office would have to eat them. In the 2nd week on the Friday he was doing some work from home so i had a headset on to listen to him on the phone and he didn't save some of the work he was doing and blamed me for it! He told me to work through my lunch fixing the problem and I could go early, well 4pm came and went and he wouldn't let me go! He said I had ruined his whole weekend by him not saving the work!
Anyway the following Monday I went to work as normal and he said it wasn't working and thanks for my time giving me an envelope for $100 for my time of going in! Not bad for 2 minutes work and I have never been so happy to leave a job in my life! It worked out pretty well as Matt had an interview with an agency and they needed more people for a job at the university. It was a temp job as an enrolement officer and we both job the job so it wasn't a bad day at all!
So we both worked together at the University for 4 days which was pretty good. We basically just sorted out the timetables for new and re-enroling students.
Since then I have just been working Saturday's at TAB. It's an OK job, a bit repeatitive but I have to do some work and the people there are pretty nice and the time goes so quickly. I can't believe how big gambling is here in Australia the phones on a Saturday never stop! I have got some extra shifts this week and next week as it is Melbourne Cup so that's good.
Well enough of the employment situation and i'll get onto the more interesting stuff!
Well it was my 25th birthday a couple of weeks ago and it was a lovely day. My birthday was 12th October which was a Sunday. I came back from work on the Saturday and Matt and Mark had thrown me a suprise party with decorations, balloons and party food! It was really nice. Nikhal from work and Kate's friend Kade from Taiwan cameround to our flat and we had a few drinks playing a few drinking games before we headed out into the city. We went to the Abercrombie Hotel where there was an indie night on, Gavin came to meet us in there as well. The place was pretty cool with old sofas and a few pokie machines for us to lose money on! The bar closed at 1am so we headed to another bar called the Lansdown for a few more drinks until it closed! It was a really good night!
On Sunday, my birthday, we got up about 11ish and i opened my presents and cards. Nikhal from work got me a classic present of a Guns n Roses mug which we did all find very amusing and rolled around on the floor laughing. It's not that i'm ungrateful but it was a very random present to get someone when we have never spoken about them!! Matt, Mark and Kate gave me an envelope which contained a card saying i was entitled to an all expenses paid trip to Luna Park and a picnic! We set off on the train to Milson's point which is over the Harbour Bridge via the supermarket for picnic supplies. We had our picnic in a park which had awesome views of the Opera House and Sky line of Sydney. It was a pretty warm day and had a sit down after we had eaten and listened to some music.
He headed into Luna Park around 3pm and headed straight for the Crazy Mouse ride which was similar to the one at Blackpool Pleasure Beach; really rickety and you feel as the track is going to collapse! I went on with Matt and I screamed and he laughed all the way round! We went on a few more rides and one in particular called the Hammer was really funny. It was like a pirate ship that went all the way round upside down. Well i hated every minute and Kate had left all her money in her pockets and it all fell out on the people on the other side of the ship! We ended up on the Ferris Wheel which had amazing views of the Opera House, Harbour Bridge and city sky line.
Afet Luna Park we got the train backand went into Newtown to get some tea. Gavin came to meet us too. Matt, Mark and Kate had got me a birthday cake and brought it out after tea singing Happy Birthday which was lovely. We headed back home and watched Shrek in the evening. It was a wonderful birthday!
We tend to spend our weekends drinking in the city, then having a very lazy Sunday! The other weekend I made the fatal mistake of thinking I was back at uni and went out 2 nights in a row when I had to go to work all day the next day! It was a brilliant weekend! I met Matt and Mark after work in the city and we headed into Kings Cross for $3 beers and $10 steaks. We could tell it was going to be a late night when $3 beers finished at 9pm and Mark came back with 7! We went to a bar that played Indie music and sold pints of cider so I had a few! Work the next day wasn't the best then when I got home we got ready and went to Gavin's house to start all over again!
So that's about it really from Sydney! We have 4 weeks exactly left until Mark leaves and Matt and I begin our travels up the East Coast. We have a fair few things planned for our remaining weeks so I'll keep you all updated!
Speak soon
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