South American Adventures
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New blog entry posted
Cusco, Peru

New blog entry posted
Quito, Ecuador
Mum Hi Sweetheart, glad that you are enjoying Cusco and I think it has worked out well leaving the Inca trail experience till last and am sure even though you haven't exercised properly you will still be much fitter than most! Make sure you have some warm socks and clothes for the freezing will be practice for when you come home as some of the nights here have been a bit nippy! Lots going on at work so have been pretty busy with all that! Celebrity bb ison at the moment but I don't think you will be disappointed that it will be finished by the time you get has been poor in the extreme! Dad is out doing his speed awareness as I type, he is stopping to buy himself chinese takeaway on the way home as he feels he might need cheering up! ha ha! Alice and Billy are getting excited to see you as are we all! Take care and thoroughly enjoy (will keep our fingers crossed it isn't too wet or cold) love you lots xx
Jake Hey Al, glad to hear all is well! And I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!:) Got back from Holland yesterday evening, was pretty intense but also a great experience - have been advised it is going to be an annual thing so got that to look forward to each year! Apart from that all is the same! Working and so on.. I'm sure you haven't had too much time to think of home as you're doing so many things! But we miss you and look forward to seeing you soon! Take care and see you next week!!! Jake x
Paul Hi Alex, just to say that my middle aged and overweight identical twin (thankfully I'm nothing like him) brother managed the Inca Trail, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble! Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Feel I'm missing out on all the wonderful photos! Take care, Paul.

New blog entry posted
Puerto Ayora, Ecuador
Dad All good here Alex, and great that Galápagos was a big hit. Seems to be one of the wonders of the world! Daniel, Claire and the boys are safely home after a wonderful time in England. We have lots of great memories including trips to Pinmill, Lavenham and Portman Road with Dan and Paul along with Benny and Hughie. Your bedroom became Zac's 'Fire Station' and we put out numerous nasty fires while Max played happily downstairs or climbed the stairs. He is virtually walking now and crawled all over the place while here. I managed to arrange a picture of the three kids plus Dan, Paul and myself with a write-up in the ITFC programme for the Derby game! And Daniel didn't buy one - so I purchased a couple from the shop yesterday and will forward one on to each of the boys. We Skyped New Zealand last night to see them in shorts and T-shirts - a bit different from when they left here last weekend! Received a lovely card from Chloe today thanking us for her birthday gifts, and have to feel very proud of my grandchildren! Been racing at Fakenham and Market Rasen this week and me and mum enjoyed a meal with my racing crones at the Brewery Tap yesterday. I've just dropped her off in town and she's shopping with Vic and Jake who is off to a business trip to Rotterdam on Monday - how wonderful! Lunch with Brenner and Bryan (they always ask about you along with my crones at the pub) on Monday, dentist on Tuesday followed by haircut (won't take long) and then 'Speed Awareness' course on Wednesday. Caught doing 37 in a 30 mile limit while away last autumn in Warwick. Not looking forward to the 4 hours but better than penalty points on my licence. I actually think mum might have been driving but I'll 'take the wrap' for 'Speedy'! A fortnight today you'll be back so enjoy your last 14 days. I'm sure you will. xxp
Mum Just to clarify Alex, I was not driving as when I offered your father said no because I drive to fast for him to appreciate the scenery! Love you xx
Auntie Debbie Hello gorgeous I have just been reading your blog to Hughie and he is soooo jelous!!!!!!!! Think he is gonna add it to his bucket list along with the inca trail!!!!!! Such a lovely weekend for Mummmas birthday! It was a bonus to have Joe with us but if he hadn't broken his foot he would have been working!!! It was so good to see Grandad and Maggie at the party/gathering and a lovely catch up with Uncle John Liz and crew!!!!! Enjoy your last little bit of adventure and we all look forward to seeing you on your return Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

New blog entry posted
San Agustin, Colombia
Smell Hey Bispo! Just a quick one- you have certainly travelled some miles, it's hard to keep up!! I always knew you had tolerance in you!! Glad you're having such a fab time still and the two lads (although you've now parted) did sound highly amusing! I'm sure jake and Luke can put on Swiss and Brazilian accents and they can be your substitutes when you're back! Back to school this week for me, 6 weeks til half term, can't wait!! Have a fab time in the G Islands (no idea on spelling- I'd fail your date test) if we don't speak before. Love you xx xx p
Grandad and Maggie Your forthcoming trip to the Galapagos Islands sounds a very special experience - how wonderful, your'll be off tomorrow so have a wonderful time and soak it all up, we'll be thinking of you and waiting for a full report -ENJOY!! Love and hugs xx

New blog entry posted
Medelln, Colombia
Paul A very Happy & Prosperous New Year to all the Cantwell family. Just got back from the Peak District and catching up with the blog, Alex. What a wonderful guy that Cali taxi driver was - he and the others certainly help to refresh our oft damaged faith in the human race. Edna is such a surprising a Columbian name and I only hope she had a brother called Ernest or something! Anyway, glad to hear that all's well and lookinmg forward to the next installment!
Auntie vic Happy new year Paul. Oh Al had a lovely time today shopping for mummas birthday. And then bought a tap for our kitchen! Living the dream cos I've found a sparkley worktop!! Imagine and it fits the theme. Ian's birthday Monday so in town tomorrow again as apparently a tap isn't a birthday pressie?? It's a pucker tap and all. Love you xxx
Dad You're probably about to get on plane at New York. Last leg! Yes, I would have loved the train journey - and love that you have seen so much and enjoyed yourself so much. And as you say it has not always been plain sailing. But an experience all of us this end of the blog can only admire and envy you greatly for. Rarely seen mum so excited (and Vic) at having you almost home. See you in 10 hours!
re: End of the roadFay Safe Journey home Alex! What are we going to do without your blog to read!! Although it sounds like your next adventure is already in the the pipeline so not long to wait for the next blog. Have a lovely homecoming! xxx
re: End of the roadGrandad and Maggie Hi Alex - like AV completely missed your last blog until this morn (Friday) spect your well your way home by the time you read this so hope you have a safe journey homeward bound - wrap up warm its very cold here at the moment but sure you will cope, after all, whats a bit of cold and a sprinkling of snow after all that you have coped with over the last five months, not to mention an erupting wisdom tooth! The Inca trail sounded amazing - what a wonderful experience and yes, life will be a bit less colourful than what you have gotten used to but you are coming home to a whole load of love - so enjoy! PS I am having a guess as a piercing, or a tattoo as your surprise rather than a giant tortoise ( so much easier to travel on a plane with!) Take care Alex - been lovely talking to you over your adventures and hope to see you soon - love and hugs Grand dad and Maggie xx
re: End of the roadPaul Thank you, Mandy & Auntie Vic. It was very nice of you to welcome me in. I imagine the wanderer will be home soon now - have a lovely reunion!
re: End of the roadAnutie Vic Hello the one night i didn't check blog and you snuck in!!! blinkin fuming!! anyways glad the Inca trail was a good ending to your adventure and even more pleased that the shoes lasted til the end of it!! Now whats this surprise you have then??? please let it be a baby for me and mumma!!!! Although a tortoise would do. Alls good here i'm at yours as i type i met mum at b and ms when she finished work (living the dream) Cant wait to see ya and hear all the stories that were not bloggable!! Feeling very excited for Saturday. Safe journey home. Love you lots xxxxxxx Paul its been nice blogging with you x
re: End of the roadSmell Hey bispo! I'm gonna what's app you as well but glad to inca trail was fab and you enjoyed it! A lot of trekking for my liking!! Have a safe and restful trip back!! Look forward to seeing you soon as is everyone else!! Love u lots xx xx ps. I've been showing the kids at school out countdown video!! Negotiate....
re: End of the roadMum Hello Sweetheart, I am so pleased that the Inca trail and Macchu Pichu lived up to expectation! Sounds absolutely amazing and I can understand why it is on so many people's bucket list. Not so good about your tooth but well done you for just getting on with it! Am slightly worried about what you are coming home with but am secretly hoping it's a giant tortoise! All good here, Dad off on a racing jolly for a couple of days and I am busy changing your bed etc. for your return (got to have a cosy bed to come home to). Have a safe and trouble free journey back sweetheart, we are so looking forward to seeing you and hearing even more tales! Love you lots and lots xx ps Paul it has been lovely that you have been able to share Alex's adventure with us and here's to India! next!
re: End of the roadPaul Map reading skills and a sense of direction are essential orienteering skills, Alex. Best of luck! I'm expecting a very nice present, Alex. Only joking! Thankfully you weren't in the bunk below that extremely ignorant guy. I prefer bottom bunks normally but perhaps I need to rethink for the future! The Macchu Pichu trek sounds wonderful and I'm sure I would simply have loved it, just as you did. I'm envious! Your last post - sad, I know, but some people are going to be overjoyed to see you very soon. You may be amused to learn that I took part in an ethnic past-time yesterday evening. A friend of mine dragged me Morris dancing! Not as ethnic or exciting as anything you've been up to but it's about as ethnic and exciting as East Anglia has to offer! Hope you have a trouble free and relaxing trip home and I know there'll be a joyous family reunion upon your return. All the very best to you and your family, Alex - I've enjoyed reading your blog and many of the responses, even some of those that seemed to be written in Cantwell dialect (Auntie Vic's second language)! Take lots of care and all the very best for the future. Even though you're off to the UEA, I hope to catch a glimpse of you sometime!
re: End of the roadPaul Hi Alex, just to say that my middle aged and overweight identical twin (thankfully I'm nothing like him) brother managed the Inca Trail, so I'm sure you'll have no trouble! Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Feel I'm missing out on all the wonderful photos! Take care, Paul.
re: Hit the road jackJake Hey Al, glad to hear all is well! And I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!:) Got back from Holland yesterday evening, was pretty intense but also a great experience - have been advised it is going to be an annual thing so got that to look forward to each year! Apart from that all is the same! Working and so on.. I'm sure you haven't had too much time to think of home as you're doing so many things! But we miss you and look forward to seeing you soon! Take care and see you next week!!! Jake x
re: Hit the road jackMum Hi Sweetheart, glad that you are enjoying Cusco and I think it has worked out well leaving the Inca trail experience till last and am sure even though you haven't exercised properly you will still be much fitter than most! Make sure you have some warm socks and clothes for the freezing will be practice for when you come home as some of the nights here have been a bit nippy! Lots going on at work so have been pretty busy with all that! Celebrity bb ison at the moment but I don't think you will be disappointed that it will be finished by the time you get has been poor in the extreme! Dad is out doing his speed awareness as I type, he is stopping to buy himself chinese takeaway on the way home as he feels he might need cheering up! ha ha! Alice and Billy are getting excited to see you as are we all! Take care and thoroughly enjoy (will keep our fingers crossed it isn't too wet or cold) love you lots xx
re: Hit the road jackMe Go Jacob!! How exciting! Travelling with work, the lucky git! Enjoying Cusco and start the Inca Trail on 23rd for 4 days, starting to wonder what I've let myself in for- I haven't exercised properly for months and it's meant to be raining a lot and freezing at night. But it will be an achievement and I'm sure the views will be worth it- it is Macchu Pichu after all and I can do anything now! The shoes have just about made it Vic! They stink and the grip has worn off the bottom from all the miles they've covered, but they have been great and will do me proud I'm sure! Have fun and enjoy! Alex xx
re: Hit the road jackAuntie vic Jaycuts home!!! Loved it. When do you do the inca trail? And have your shoes lasted for it?? Xxxxxx
re: Hit the road jackPaul Your Dad, being an obvious ITFC fan, might be vaguely interested to learn that when I did a spreed awareness course a couple of years ago at Weston Homes Community Stadium, Colchester, I sat at the same table as Scott Malone, (then Millwall FC, now Cardiff). We were each taking a polite interest in what each other did for a living and I asked him what he did. At that point, everyone lost interest in anyone else's career!
re: Hit the road jackPaul Next time I go to the loo, I must remember how lucky I am to be able to shove my toilet paper in there too! Somehow, I think the 'not going out at home anymore' bit may change when you get back - your trip to South America will prove to have been a life changing experience. Just a few short months and you've probably learned as much as might have taken many years at home. Well done, you! Quiz night the other day and there were two music rounds - I failed to offer a contribution to a single musical question! Fortunately, I did know some of the other stuff. Have been invited orienteering on Sunday (a new experience) and Robbie Burns has provided the perfect excuse for another Ceilidh on Saturday evening. And there's a hand, my trusty fiere! And gie's a hand o' thine! And we'll tak' a right guid-willie waught, For auld lang syne. I have absolutely no idea what that means!
re: Hit the road jack- last visited

- travel plan
- Lima, Peru
Grandad and Maggie Hi Alex - like AV completely missed your last blog until this morn (Friday) spect your well your way home by the time you read this so hope you have a safe journey homeward bound - wrap up warm its very cold here at the moment but sure you will cope, after all, whats a bit of cold and a sprinkling of snow after all that you have coped with over the last five months, not to mention an erupting wisdom tooth! The Inca trail sounded amazing - what a wonderful experience and yes, life will be a bit less colourful than what you have gotten used to but you are coming home to a whole load of love - so enjoy! PS I am having a guess as a piercing, or a tattoo as your surprise rather than a giant tortoise ( so much easier to travel on a plane with!) Take care Alex - been lovely talking to you over your adventures and hope to see you soon - love and hugs Grand dad and Maggie xx
Fay Safe Journey home Alex! What are we going to do without your blog to read!! Although it sounds like your next adventure is already in the the pipeline so not long to wait for the next blog. Have a lovely homecoming! xxx
Dad You're probably about to get on plane at New York. Last leg! Yes, I would have loved the train journey - and love that you have seen so much and enjoyed yourself so much. And as you say it has not always been plain sailing. But an experience all of us this end of the blog can only admire and envy you greatly for. Rarely seen mum so excited (and Vic) at having you almost home. See you in 10 hours!