Well here i am, after years of dreaming, months of preperations and days of anxiety the time has finally come where i am now sitting in my guesthouse's internet cafe in Backpackers Street- Ko Shan Road- Bangkok.
After an emotional farwell to my closet family and friends i walked through those depeature gates which at the time where both my worst enemy and my best friend. One thing i was not enjoying that's for sure where the constant stares from security/passport checkers and random people. I guess i would stare too considering the redness to my face and eyes :)
Finally calmed myself down and boarded my flight which happened to be comnpletly full. Me been me gave up my seat not once but twice so that others could sit with family and friends. Finally plomped down in a seat next to a young guy from Ireland. No dad it was not an overweight old man with BO. In fact he actually smelled quite nice. Of course it didn't take long for me to get the conversation happening and next thing you know i've meet my new best friend (For 10 hours at least). He was ending his 10 month trip to ASia and Australia and gave good tips and advice.
After no sleep for nearly 24 hours (and a big 24 hours on top of that) i dragged myself off the plane. Farewelled my new friend and wished him luck and then realised the trip to peaceful dreams was not yet over. Jumped in a taxi. Took 5 minutes to negotiate a price whilst trying to speak Thai. Ha i don't think saying hello and thankyou in Thai helped get the price down. With me been delirious and the driver giving up we both reached an agreement and next thing you know i get chucked out of the cab and thrown into my guesthouse.
Checked in fine but had a few issues finding my room, it was quite a hike up 4 sets of stairs with all my gear and shacking legs. Kept thinking man i gotta get fit asap! Accidently got my room mixed up and stated tryign to open some randoms room. (Poor people). Lucky some other people helped me and finally found MY room. Did the check on my crib- Clean check, lock check, safe check, the size of a wardrobe check and there i was.... Just turned 18, half way across the world with no family or friends, In the middle of a bustling street, yet i somehow took one large breathe and suddenly felt at home. No it may not be Davo but for the time it was my home and boy was i happy to be there.
Woke quite early but feeling refreshed and ready to go exploring i quickly left Backpacker Street aka. Ko Shan Road and jumped in a taxi to China Town. HAd no clue where to go or what to do but got out in the middle of no where and began my walking. And boy did i walk. Here there everywhere at the end of my three hours walking i relaised even though i had made some new friends (all Thai) i had not seen one westerner at all. Ah felt good to be in real Thailand.... However i didn't stay long as i could no longer stand my rumbling belly so headed back to Ko Sahn where that brings me to this present time.
Stay tuned for more updates, but not too tuned as i think i will have trouble updating for quite some time as i am soon off to the orphange in Western Thailand for a month.
Love and peace to all xo
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