Hi Sophie and Kie, have been looking at your photos, envy you with the elephants. Sorry to hear Kie is poorly - wish him well. Gill and I have had a very nice holiday although the weather no where as near as the weather you are experiencing. Love you lots and lots xxxx
Hello you two... Kie I hope you're feeling better soon, you've still got another 5+ months away so a few days rest and recuperation won't hurt. Sophie, glad to hear you've been able to catch up on Strictly haha!
The video was good and look forward to the photos.
Lots of love xxxx
Sophie And Kie
Sorry everyone - tried uploading the photo's but for some reason it won't do it!! We'll get the photo's up soon. Hope you're all well.
Lots of love Sophie and Kie xx
Mum Fewster
Am slightly worried now, have just received a txt telling me you have been to the hospital Kie and they have told you that you may have Dengue Fever, have looked it up on the internet and it hasn't made me feel any better. I just hope that you are sensible and if the symptoms persist that you go back to the hospital and get things sorted. Although your having fun, this is one of those times when I just wish you was back here. :( Love to you both xx
Mum Fewster
Well what can I say.. The last photos you posted along with the blog are absolutely fantastic, from the building in Chaing Mai (which looks stunning) to the elephant school, tigers and snakes. How fatastic to be able to say that you have cuddled a tiger, you are braver than me, even if one of them was a baby. We were all pretty shocked at the size of the tusks on that elephant you rode on, bet hes worth a few bob ;) Don't think i'll be applying for a summer job there Soph for the 'down stream poop catching' ha ha and you woulnt get me within a mile of a snake let alone holding one so a big pat on the back for Soph on that one. Stay safe, love to you both xx
Tim Fewster ( Kie's Father)
Jesus can it get any better for you 2 your having the time of your live's its like being in jungle book lol, excerlenta awsome and i am stuck out here surrounded by water with no were to go :-( the pics are ace i am lost for words........ keep them coming and stay safe will speak soon, going home tomorro will try to catch you skype sometime with my microphone connected.lol Love you both xxx The old Boy
The latest photis have just blown me away! They are incredible. I know that your Mum will be green with envy with both of you cuddling a tiger cub. And no, Sophie, you can't have one as a pet! Even if you do look after it! Nice to see that Kie was a brave enough to get in with the larger cat. Good to see you with an apron on also Sophie. Hope you didn't poison anyone. And the elephants, so many of them. Keep it coming. xxxxxxx
Now I'm reeeeally jealous... the photos in the Tiger Kingdom are brilliant and the cub gorgeous. I noticed that Kie was in with the bigger one, while Sophie was the other side of the fence - and I hope the gash down Kie's leg is not from the tiger! I think you got your monies worth anyway with all the professional photos and the experience of a lifetime. With love to you both... take care xxx
Tim Fewster ( Kie's Father)
Now then: So thats were you was...... you little jet setters ...on the road again, great to know you are safe and sound, you had me and dad wondering soph.lol I thought you had send Kie to Coventry ha ha on a day out yerr we beleave you..lol and i agree with sarah you will need a big book for all these pic's but love em, keep them coming, I feel like i am traverlling with ya, if only , well take care and speak soon xxx
OMG looks like you are having a blast. The photos are amazing-you will need ALOT of albums for that lot. Love the tattoos-what do they mean? It's great to see your adventure. Take care of yourselves love you loads sarahxxxxx
What a beautiful place but no pics of you two... bad hair day? haha! Looks like you used the underwater feature for the fish? I'm looking forward to hearing about the cookery course and hope we get a sample when you get home next year! Love to you both and take care xxx
Keith.........it's Soooo Much Easier!
The photis get better and better. One amazing place after another. It's a pity Kie didn't get any of the white water rafting, but if he can get some from the others that'll be great! None were up close and personal this time though. Lets see the sun tan Sophie! When will you learn to take sunbathing easy? Keep them coming. Keep safe both of you. And as ever our love to you both from back home..........windy, wet and crappy, and that's just the weather. xxxxxxxxxxx