Well what an awful day we had yesterday. We have come to realise that people here in hotels have no idea about customer service or time keeping or just making people happy.
We booked a bus to take us to the Taj Mahal. Picking us up at 6am and dropping us there and picking us up and getting us back to hotel for 10.30 pm. Well bus didn't eave til 7.15......sightly annoying. Then instead of the 3 1/2 hours we were told it would take it took nearly 6. When we got to Agra (Taj Mahal City) me and michael and the only other two white people were asked to get off the bus as the rest of the people on the bus were going to loads of other temples and then the Taj for like 30 mins so they put us in a rickshaw.
This turned out to be a scam as the rickshaw driver tried to take us to loads of different shops like marble shops, saris, CARPETS!!! So we had to be very stern with him and tell him to take us straight to Taj but he took us to some fake posh restaurant for lunch which was biggest lunch bill we've had and we had 2 soups and water. Majorly peeved off at this point. So we finally make it to the Taj and he's saying we get 1 hr and then go see shops and we said no and said we would see him in about 2.
Taj Mahal was really good, had a good cheap guide too but it was 46 degrees and towards the end I started feeling ill so we went back to our driver and he took us to a pharmacy. Got anti biotics, painkillers, and other bits for like 2 quid - excelent.
So we get back to the bus and its supposed to leave at 5.15 but obviously doesn't. We ask a lady on the bus if they went straight to the Taj and of course....they did. It then takes us 9 hoursto get back as they stopped at 3 places on the way home, one for two hours, a preacher got on the bus and talked for ages and then took them to another temple! As you can imagine we both felt pretty down and homesick!
We had it out with our hotel and managed to get some discount etc but we just wanna get out of Delhi now. We are off to Manali tonight in foothills of Himalayas and cannot wait!
Trying to put up as many pics as possible.
Soph and Michael
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