Sunday 25th March:
Today the clocks went back, so being our organised selves we made sure we turned them back the night before so we wouldn't miss our bus......unfortunately the bus company weren't quite as prepared and infact failed to change their clocks so we missed our bus! We waited for a couple of hours before someone cottoned on to the fact that the clocks had changed. Thankfully there was a mini bus going to surfers paradise that cost $25 so we hopped on that. It had been pouring down with rain so we were all soaked and there weren't enough seats on the bus for everyone so people sat on ther floor, thank goodness it was only an hour long journey. We sat next to a really nice guy from Scotland who kept us entertained for the journey, felt a bit sorry for him though as Soph shaked her subway crumbs all over him. Our hostel was called 'Backpackers In Paradise' but it was anything but! We were moved around 3 different rooms as every time she out us in one she had made a mistake and there weren't any beds free. We were finally put in one with 1 other creppy man, stains on the mattresses and dirty sheets tucked under the beds - needless to say we were not impressed. The stairs felt so weak we were worried they were going to collapse (and not just due to our weight!) we decided to get our money back and head down the road to another place called 'Sleepers Inn'. We had our own kitchen and bathroom and were sharing with 6 other guys - this was more like it!
2 Of the guys in our room said do you wanna grab a bite to eat so we of course did, expecting a cheap pizza or something we headed out with them. They obviously had other plans as we ended up at a posh restaurant, having a 3 course meal and 2 bottles of wine, luckily they offered to pay. At the start of the evning we thought they were nice chaps but after they'd had a few we were slightly dissapointed that they turned out to be complete p****. Ended up having a heated debate with one of them about travelling, complete a*******.
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