We are managing to keep up with your blog erratically- the computers in Kenya are in the 20th century. having a good time here, hope you have chance to look at our 'adventures' on travelpod.
Love, Mum
Sam Bills
I like the Orangutang (?) picture and the picture of the castle, because its pretty good, and the beach because it had noce shiny water and shiny sand and the water changed colour, actually you get to make sand castles. I like your hotel because its nice colours. I like the browny yellow colour of the hotel. I like the mudbath; Elinor might not be able to read all this, ur, nothing else.
Lots of love Sam
Ella Bills
I like the look of the mudbath, but wouldn't want to go in though.
Ella Bills
I like the look of the mudbath, but wouldn't want to go in though.
Roy Bills
Greetings from the 'Kibworth counselling service'. Glad to receive all your blogs.This is a new venture for our organization. You are making the holiday seem great at the moment, but should the plagues of locusts become too much for you I can pass on what Moses did with the problem in the book of Exodus. Any advice you may need ,give me a call. I have time available to come and chaperon you if you find the 'rick-shaw' drivers become oppressive. At the moment you seem to be caring for each other ,but an elderly grandparent could offer wisdom and experience in such a changing situation. I await your call.
hi girls, so you're in thailand. lets have some photos and latsest update, they make me laugh! cushion covers. love mum x x
Hey, what an adventure, what an experience. Glad you like Vietnam, you will really like Hanoi, it's a shop till you drop kind of place, not to mention the good food. So how many clothes have you had made so far, can you still lift your backpack? Looking forward to the next update, love Robert and Lyn.
hehe just read your new message!! you two make me giggle! constnat entertainment!!! elinor well done for ur tunneling!!! very good! and sophs bug defeating moves are very impressive! so pleased im gonna be joining two pros in 21 days!!!! arghghghg!! hehe i cannot wait! take care guys sounds amazing out there!!!! all my love libby x x x x x x
wow guys just read ur messages! all these technical things do confuse the poopy outa me but i have finaly figured it out and am now in awe! ur both doing so well and sound like ur made for this traveling shiz!!! cannot wait to here more stories! all sounds amazing! all my love to you both and cannot wait to see you guys soon!take care! lots a love x x x x x missin ya sophs! x x x x
ps: tom thats not very nice! :)
Sarah Wheeler
sounds amazing glad all is going well and you are killing all the local insects!
dont get too suntanned and enjoy xx
Katherine Crisp
Is that why Sophie and Elinor have gone away together?