Just nu regnar det, ratt sa skont faktiskt :)
Sista campingdagen idag, imorrn aker vi tillbaka till Sydney och sen blir det Auckland.
Vi har redan skaffat jobb, blabarsplockning :) Far se om vi tar det eller om vi hittar nat battre, men blabar ar ju gott hehe
Allt ar bra, har fortfarande inte sett nagra ormar eller spindlar, bara odlor, pa forra stallet vi bodde, Bonny Hills, fanns det 2 varaner (tror jag, sag sa ut iaf) som brakade dar vi bodde. Stora jaklar!
Ska bli skont att aka harifran faktiskt, det ar inte sa latt att slappna av har, kanns som om man maste vara pa sin vakt sa det inte ar nagra ormar i buskarna eller en red-back under toasitsen, taskiga javlar va, red-backsen, dom sitter under toasitsen och nar man satter sig for att pinka sa biter dom en i hacken och dom e javligt giftiga oxa. Pinsamt att do av en san, biten i hacken! Usch.
Ser fram emot Nya Zeeland. Men Australien har varit bra, folk e trevliga, nar man handlar mat tex sa sager dom alltid "Alright mate/buddy/love etc" skitkul och kommer man in i en butik sa fragar dom om man ar ok och dom pratar hela tiden med en.
Ah just det gick pa bio forrgar, sag 4 Holidays, jatte kul. Innan bion gick vi och skulle kaka mat och sa sag vi folk som gick in pa restaurangen med en flaska vin. Da kom jag pa att dom har "bring your own" sa vi gick a kopte en flaska vin, som man far i en brun papperspase (vadda alko) och sa gick vi in pa restaurangen, gav flaskan till servitrisen och hon oppnade den, det kostade 3 dollar i korkavgift, smart va?
Hoppas ni har det bra! At inte for mycket lussebullar!
Last day of the camping today, we've been out for a week with no TV but we are still both alive, who would have thoght eh? We're read books, played games and haven't missed TV that much :)
Tomorrow we're heading back to Sydney and then off to Auckland.
We've got jobs sorted for New Zealand, picking blueberries! Yummy! But might get better offers, we'll see :)
Australia has been nice but look forward to leaving. You're always on your guard here, just incase there are snakes in the bushes, red-backs (spiders) under the toilet seat etc. They are evil b******s by the way, the red-backs, apparently they sit under the toilet seat and bite you in the ass when you sit down to pee. How embarrassing to die like that, on the toilet, bitten in the ass.
Australians are nice, they always ask how you are and they call you mate/buddy/love etc
Oh went to the cinema the other day, saw 4 Holidays, very funny. Before the movie we went for dinner and saw that people brought their own wine, so we went and bought a bottle (which they give you in a brown paper bag) and went to the restaurant, cost 3 dollars to bring your own. Clever eh?
Anyway, hope you're all well and have everything sorted for xmas. Feels weird when people here wish each other merry xmas, it's hot and it's summer!
Oh well take care!
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