Hi guys from sunny melbourne!
I put this crazy dolphin picture up because it's what I imagine is floating inside my head right now. Stayed up til 3am chatting and my head doesn't feel quite with it yet!
I have nothing to report. Been frantically applying for crap temp jobs the past few days and it is seriously sole destroying. These guys just don't understand just how special my flexi SWAG skills are!
I'm also on the hunt for a reasonably okay flat for me, my friend russell and his two friends to live in which is another bone of contention! You need references for everything here - maybe I should get the monkeys in the jungle to write one for me!!
Looking forward to the weekend, I'm either going to be at the zoo, a crazy outdoor music/dance festival or flat hunting - I hope it's one of the first two!!
bonfires, crispy leaves and chesnuts - ah ewan! you make it sound so special when autumn is really more like ' red noses, damp clothes and pesky tesco value monkey nuts (halloween is just round the corner)'
Will, I'm glad you are using your initiative and are setting up your own animal rehabilitation project in your beard! Be careful, remember what happenned with Katja's worms!!
I so wish I could be at Sarah's wedding! You guys will need to take my place as flexi friend and there will need to be some 'hottest shot in town' recruiting too!!!
Good luck sarah!
Marty, well done for getting the high-flying creative marketing job in Dublin - You must have been working on that irish charm of yours - or maybe it was your designer multi-coloured stubble which won them over.
Bye for now kids
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