Ok, so the boat journey wasn't quite what we were expecting. Apart from waking up with a temperature of 101.3 degrees and having to brave travelling none-the-less, so as to not miss the opportunity to sail*, the "slow boat" was remarkably fast and considerably smaller that the canal-like barges we were expecting. In actual fact, we were crammed onto two low benches running the length of the narrow boat; and for the next four hours interchanged between a state of awe, at the dramatic scenery, and terror/excitement (is there a real difference?), as our driver skilfully navigated us through the rapids.
In my fevered state I don't remember an awful lot about the journey, but David swears it was far better than bussing it.
Nong Khiaw is perfectly seated in an extremely picturesque valley. It's evident that it has just started to get more tourists visiting here, as it boasts a host of good-value guesthouses (run by a variety of people**) and restaurants...oh and did i mention the beautiful scenery. Activities seemed to be trekking up mountains to local villages, visiting local waterfalls and boat trip... or as we did (me still sick/recovering) sit in riverside cafes, with a fruit shake, and just take it all in.
*boats won't sale with less than ten people, and we'd established last night that we had seven. Considering how sleepy this little town is, there's no telling when we'd be that lucky again!
**One guy seemed to be completely out of his depth. For the price of a beer, David spent an afternoon building an accounts spreadsheet for his restaurant; going on to consult on the potential configuration of beds for a prospective hostel upstairs -- the likes of which would revolutionise accommodation in this small town. I think if we'd have stayed another day, David may have found himself working there for a few months...
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