I have officially been to all 4 hemispheres of the world! I am also officially a Shellback and no longer a Pollywog. What does that mean, you might ask? Well I cannot Google things without paying for it, so I can't tell you, but I am pretty sure it has something to do with being a professional world traveler by ship. We crossed the equator yesterday at 241AM and have been sailing along it as we make our way to Mauritius - where I will arrive on the 23rd! I am going to try to put more photos online at some point in the near future since you haven't seen me since Viet Nam, so in order to hold you over until then here is something from today [if the attachments decide to work].
In order to become a Shellback you have to get green fish guts / juice dumped on your head, swim through more of it in the pool as you make your way to 2 dead fish that you have to kiss, then you kiss the rings of two of the sea gods, then King Neptune knights you with his sword. From there, the head shaving station awaits. I did not shave my head because I am not a crazy person; however I did watch Carson's boyfriend get his head shaved and am giving two haircuts later on. Then you shower [hopefully] because you are covered in fish juice. I just became clean and am now helping Lydia get ready and become a girl for the talent show tonight where she will be singing a song from the Little Mermaid. Before the talent show there is a BBQ [score!] and we are having a "girls night" with Mrs. Abel because she is awesome [and so is Dr. Abel but he has adult things to do that I don't fully understand the point of].
Until Mauritius!
PS - this is what the alphabet would look like without QR.
PSS - Yesterday I saw a pod of dolphins yesterday while I was drinking a smoothie and reading a book under the equatorial sun - its midterms weeks, obviously!
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