Hello from Auckland! The New Zealand part of our joruney is coming to an end and we've had a fun yet busy few weeks - now we're both really looking forward to our relaxing 17 days in the Fiji sun!
Queenstown (4 nights): I went Mad Dog River Boarding which is extremely strenuous on your arms - it's basically going down grade 3 white water rapids on a bodyboard! The guide dogs were awesome - the girls in our group grabbed hold of them all the way down and they kept saving the rest of us from the rocks! It was a nice place, smaller than we expected and very touristy but we enjoyed it there.
Dunedin (1 night) We went on a Cadburys Factory tour (the one in Birmingham is much better!) then felt a little sick for the rest of the day and didn't have time to do much anyway!
Lake Tekapo - or "Lake take a poo" as Lisa calls it - (2 nights) The only activity Lisa wanted to partake in on the South Island was the star gazing at the Mount John Observatory here, but both nights it was considered too cloudy and it was cancelled (dammit). They did point out Jupiter and Venus to us though (which we have seen most nights since then). We went down to the lake at night where there was an amazing view of the night sky - Lisa's favourite point in the South Island. We also went to the spa pools near our hostel.
Christchurch (1 night) We saw more of the city this time as Lisa was ill when we first arrived. We went to the musuem which was a little boring and then the botanical gardens but lisa was cold (as it was less than 28 degrees). We got a flight to Wellington the next morning.
Wellington (1 night) I relaly liked Wellington and would have liked to have spent more time here but we couldn't. We got a cable car to the top of a big hill, walked around the gardens at the top of the hill, saw a cool sundial and that was about all!
Napier (1 night) the less said about Napier the better (although I'm being told that Lisa liked it - she can write about it later!)
Rotorua (1 night) smells! Really bad! The place is volcanic and there are thermal pools everywhere which give off sulphur! I went white water rafting and went down a 7metre waterfall! Lisa went to a colourful volcanic area which was pretty and she took about 300 photos and it was really hot which made her happy!!
Mt Maungenui (1 night) we went to the beach and then went to an irish bar and then slept! Really nice place again but we are moving on very fast!
Auckland (2 nights) we are about to face our first night but the accommodation is shocking and the only thing we're looking forward to is Fiji! Well, that and seeing Rich (Lisa's friend from work) who is in a nearby hostel (which we wish we were staying at). Lots of organising to do tommorrow and we have a really early flight in 2 days time.
So long for now!
Paul & Lisa
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