Stephanie and Kimberly's travels
Hello to each and everyone of you out there reading this blog it was just recently picked as STA's blog of the day! It is a very exciting time of us and this great sucess would not be possible without our fans - thats you guys!
When we last bloged we arrived in Brisbane it took us a while to carry our backpacks to the hostel but when we did we were suprised how nice and clean the hostel was! We only stayed in Brisbane for two nights but got so much done! While we were there, there was a few showers but nothing too bad we were quite lucky as we had missed the rain down the east coast apart from in Brisbane! We explored the city which was lovley and checked out lots of markets, we really like Brisbane and were happy to be in a city! On one of the nights we went to an ourdoor (moonlight) cinema to watch the MJ This Is It, it was really good and we were once again reminded of how Australians are so prepared for the great outdoors. People were coming in with blow up matresses to sit on, while me and Stephanie were sharing a mac! We had a really great night! During the day we went to many museums, normally we catch the free guided tours, as a picture that looks like its been done by a four year old really takes on new meaning when it is explained as the artist was going through a special journey and the splodge of black paint represents a difficult period in the artist life - needless to say Stephanie was lapping it up! So imagine our excitment when that guided tour finished, only to realise the museum opposite had a free guided tour starting in 5 minutes, youve never seen us move so quickly! That night we were walking through the city square when we heard music and saw a DJ playing some tunes, so we sat down to listen! When we got up to leave a man came out with a mic and said he was taking the free latin dance lesson, like he does every friday night, so of course we joined in! It was so much fun we did salsa the cha cha cha and a few others! We were absolutely loving it!
The next day we made our journey to Surfers Paradise. While we were there we thought about going surfing, but the waves were far to big and only the pros were out riding the waves! We found Surfers Paradise quite tacky and didnt really want to stay there for two days as there was not much to do apart from lay on the beach and the weather was a little bit cold and rainy! While we were there though we met up with two of Stephanie friends Alice and Billy, we had a BBQ with them and then went out in the evening to a club we had loads of fun and danced the night away! There was also a stage and we were loving it! It was really good to see some people from home.
The next destination was Byron Bay, it was a really lovely surfers town with cute little shops! We only stayed here one night and we went out again. We drank with people in the hostel before we went to the club, it was raining and there was a huge que but we managed to sweet talk the bouncers, bypass the que and pay half price! The next morning we were going to get up at five to watch the sunrise at the lighthouse but since we got a little drunk and went to bed at two we couldnt manage getting up that early! So after a good nights sleep we walked up to the lighthouse in the day the views were incrediable and worth the long walk!
That evening we had to wait around untill about 11pm, when we got the overnight bus to Sydney! We didnt get much sleep but were very excited to see the city. We were staying in a cheap hostel which was a little outside central, we only heard about this hostel as our friends Marc and Emily who we met on the China trip were staying there! After suprising them in their room - which was actually next to ours we ended up spending most of the week with them! We stayed in Sydney for over a week it rained loads on the weekends but in the week it was really sunny! One day we went to a place called Mainly which was 40 minutes on the ferry from Sydney harbour its a surfing beach which spread for a few miles. While we were there we decided to rent inline skates! With the Skates came some safety wear, to be honest we were looking hot with our helmet, wrist guards, knee and elbow pads! As we started off we got a few funny looks and some laughs but that could of been down to being a bit rusty on the skates! Once we got back into it we skated along the beach at one point there was a hill I was at the top and Stephanie was following. Stephanie only made it half way up the hill when she shouted that she couldnt make it and was going to go back further and have a run up at it! She finally made it and was skating past me when she started wobbling after 30 seconds of her doing a special skating show she threw herself on the grass knowing that would hurt less, we couldn't skate for ages as we were laughing too much! Lots of passers by were also laughing especially when it was me this time at the top of the hill and lost control shouting at all the pedestrians to please move out the way I was shouting and waving my arms around in motion for them to move to the sides!! I couldn't stop and there was so many people around, luckly the pedestrians saw the funny side!
Another day we went to the Blue Mountains with Marc and Emily we took a picnic and did the walks and saw the sights it was beautiful we also took a ride on the steepest railway in the world. Next on the agenda was a wine tasting tour it was just me and Stephanie with a much older group they were really lovely, though we went to three diffrent wineries tasting over 20 different wines it was a lovely day but we are still none the wiser on what wine we like and we are pretty sure we would still pick the 10 dollar 4 litres of goon!!
One night we went to the Sydney Harbour Bridge to look at the Sydney Opera House all lit up, it was an amazing view but the walk took us three hours all together and the free shuttle bus around the city stops quite early! Another day we met up with our friend Zoe who we met in Thailand we did the famous Bondi to Coogee walk it was really lovely but unfortunatly they were not filming Bondi Resuce that day!
While in Sydney we only had one night out but it was so much fun we drank with Mrac and Emily plus other people we had met in the hostel, a big group of us went out to a club and did what we do best shaked our booty!
After 10 days in Sydney it was time to move onto Melbourne, we had another overnight bus and arrived early in the morning. After a quick nap at the hostel we went to explore the city we had to be back at early as that night we were going to the Neighbours Night I was very excited as a huge fan! Stephanie was just coming along for the ride she was however very excited to see Dr Karl Kennedy! After a tram ride out there and 40 dollars for the entry fee - we couldnt stop thinking it was a rip off but I desperately wanted to do it! There was also a Neighbours tour in the day but we had to choose one or the other as they were expensive! Once in we got placed at a table full of Irish girls who told us we could be honary Irish for the night we were very excited as it meant we could practice our Irish, the night was full of "tanks" and "to be sure, to be sure"! Stephanie also managed to make a great first impression by sitting on her chair and then falling off it as the chair leg had gone down a step, she was laying on the floor for a while wondering what had happened! The whole table was laughing! The stars of the night was Dr Karl, Donna and Ned Parker they took their time walking around all the tables having photos with everyone, they were all really lovely! While this was going on there was a general knowledge quiz and different competitions inbetween the rounds! There was a singing competition first and then the presenter announced the dance compititon and wanted five contestants it didnt take much persuasion from my no.1 fan (Stephanie) and I was up doing my stretches ready to roll! The presenter did the usual asked my name where I was from and then he started the music - well of course being shy like I am the robot and many other dance routines where wacked out and.... the crowd went wild! Stephanie told me after that once I had started a girl walked off shaking her head - she knew she couldnt compete! After the other girls and one guy had showed off their moves it was time for the audience to choose their favourite by cheering the loudest! It was then decided it was between me and the guy and that we would fight for the prize with a dance off! The music once again started and we went for it he started by taking his shirt off - never a good start and I once agin wacked out the robot (it never fails!) if I had shorts on and not a dress i would have treated the audience to the worm! As it happens the worm was not needed and I got the loudest cheer and won a trip in New Zealand in the north island! While the dance off was going on Dr Karl had got to our table Stephanie had said I was in the competition but I wanted a picture with him so he waited at our table and was cheering me on! Dr Karl then went and sang with his band, after wrestling my way to the front row I was singing and dancing along when Dr Karl shouted Kimberly are you enjoying the show. From then on he said my name three more times while at one point holding my face and siging to me! If that was not enough excitment for one night the one and only Paul Robbinson came on the stage to sing aswell! The night was so funny and it wasnt over! We danced untill one and then got the last tram back, as we stepped on some people from the night was on the tram and they shouted Dance Girl at me - IM FAMOUS! People had also come up to me during the night saying how good I was! It was then a bump back to reality when the next day was more Museums!
During our time in Melbourne we also met up with Marc and Emily again as well as Lousie who was also on our China Trip. We had a lovely day looking around all the coffee shops and the different clothing stores! Also viewing more museums! Stephanie and Emily were in their element. While Marc and I were chatting outside, waiting for them! We also went to a market it sold loads of fruit and veg the same as the market in Sydney, we would get lots of food there as it was really cheap and tasted so good!
A little while ago Stephanie and I discussed going to the middle of Australia and seeing Alice Springs and Ayres Rock as we wanted to see some of actual Australia as we didnt get a real feel for it travel down the East Coast. So While in Sydney we booked our flight tickets and a tour leaving from Melbourne. Our flight was really early in the morning from Melbourne so we decided to stay the night at the airport, as we didnt want to pay for a hostel and not stay there the whole night! We didnt get much sleep there or on the flight but we finally arrived at Alice Springs many screaming children later! We had a nap and looked around Alice Springs. We leave for the tour tomorrow which involves trekking and camping. After our last experiences we are wondering why we are putting ourselves through this again but the views are meant to be amazing! We will update you in three days time with im sure a few disaster stories and camping will never run smoothly when we are involved!
Well thats all folks, as they say cheers and beers,
Love Stephanie and Kimberly.
If you would like extra info and a behind the scenes tour don't hesitate to sign up to our fans website there is a small fee but all money goes to a great cause :
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