We meet Bruno in reception at 7:15am to catch the 8am bus to Puno. The journey takes 7hrs which I wasn't exactly looking forward to. The bus stopped at about 10am and the driver got off and started messing around under the bonnet and checking the tyres, I asked Bruno if the bus is broke and he says they are just 'flushing the toilet'. We then stop again at 11:30am where there is the normal people trying to sell all items made from Alphca. The strange thing about driving along the road is there are dogs everywhere and they appear to know their 'green cross code' as they sit beside the road until it is safe to cross!? We stopped again at 1:30pm and the driver shouts something down the bus in Spanish and gets off. Bruno explains that the bus has a flat trye so we can get off and wondr around. The tyre which was flat was also bold and the tyre they were replacing it with didn't have much more thread on it! I was praying to get to Puno in one piece especially since the last time I spoke to Marc he had said it was in the news about a bus rolling down a hill in Cusco and killing everyone on board! While we were standing around Silvi had walked across the grass towards some bulidngs, she then started running towards us, I thought she had seen a snake or something then she was pointing at the sky... we look up and there is a mini tornado, it was like something out of a film. Once the flat bold tyre had been replaced with the non-flat bold tyre we were on our way once more. We got to a point in the road where there were men at work signs and the bus was diverted onto a dirt track. The only way I can describe it was the type of track you would go quad biking wich would have been quite fun if I'd been on a quad bike... on a bus with no thread doesn't quite have the same affect! Once in Puno we went for dinner, Bruno and Silvi had the guinea pig which they serve with the head and arms still attached, it looked so gross. After 5 pisco sours, 2 glasses of red wine and beer we staggered back to the hotel.
06/08/09 - Puno / Lake Titicaca
I will honestly never learn! Why oh why did I drink that much when I knew I was going on a 7hr boat trip across Lake Titicaca?! Stupid me! We waited outside the hotel for the minibus when 4 bikes with seats opn front pulled up... This was our transport to the lake. People in South America drive like nutters so sitting on the front of a push bike while cars swere around us didn't do much for my hangover. Our first stop on the lake was Uros, wich is a group of floating islands made from reeds and they last up to 15 years. Some of the islands have up to 15 families living on them. We got to travel on a traditional Peruivan reed boat netween the islands. Our next stop was Taquile Island, people on there have very unique customs and values. Men wear different coloured hats depending on their martial status... I suppose it makes going on the pull easier! Tomorrow I'm off to Boliva, I really going to miss Peru it is such and amazing place!
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