Hello readers, sorry for the period of absence whilst i went AWOL in the jungle in Koh Pha-Ngan. Instead of heading to the Full Moon Party, which rained, i took a long-tail boat and headed to a deserted bay round the corner from the carnage. I stayed at a jungle retreat called the Sanctuary for a week and took part in a complete detox/cleanse and fast!!
Whilst probably not as exciting to read about than the Full Moon Party (which in effect would have read:- Mushroom shake, lots of techno music, dancing on tables, fall over. Sleep on beach)!!
Instead:- I have now completed that fast and feel awesome, ill put some photos up later to show the location and stuff, but 6 days of mud shakes, colonics and all sorts of herbal infusions have left me full of energy, high on life and at this point a vegetarian!! Imagine that. i am fully cleansed, educated about food combining and healthy eating and ready to take on the world again.....
How long it will last i have no idea, but it seems good so far.......
So instead of burning the candle at both ends, i have caught up on a lot of reading (definately recommend Shantaram to everyone), bits of photgraphy, lots of swimming and a little bit of gout!! But hey, whats a sore foot between friends.....oh and i met a great bunch of people who also joined the fast, i really hope we all stay in contact!!
Well done Jack Osbourne for finding this place.....
Film to watch:- Thankyou for Smoking
Mosquito-bite Watch:- 20+ now
Book:- Good old swashbuckling adventure on the high seas, Tai-Pan.
Next stop, bangkok and then north to the River Kwai!
Oh and dont try and play cards with people who havent eaten for a week, the concentration just isnt there. Trust me!!
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