Up and out early today after a light breakfast and internet session. We were due in town for 10am as we were going on a FREE guided tour of the city which was to last 4 hours. We followed Duncan's lead as we weaved through rush hour traffic on foot. Our guide was a chatty animated fellow who spoke really good English. We took in the sights and sounds of the city which was pretty much the same as all the other South American cities we had visited previously. The highlight of the tour for me was learning a little more about Pinochet's regime. I enjoyed learning about 'nuts for nuts' even more - the owner, now a millionaire had struggled to make his idea of selling warm bags of sugar coated nuts at the street side work in Chile. It was only when he took his idea to the streets of New York that he made his millions and was asked back to Chile to repeat the process. He has a picture of himself on every vending machine on each street corner. Very inspirational, I wonder if this idea would work in Cricklade and the Leigh?!
The afternoon was slow and relaxing. After a spot of traditional Chilean food we tried to catch a few zzzzz before our epic time travel flight to New Zealand. We watch a pretty crap film in the Hostel before packing our bags and heading off to the airport. We had a bite to eat with an English couple called Adam and Beth who were from Essex. They were a sweet young couple with plans to work and live in OZ for a year. The flight was cramped. We have been spoiled catchng the overnight buses in Chile. At least we had our own TV screens and a good selection of movies to watch. I enjoyed 'The Rise of the Planet of the Apes' along with '21' which annoyingly I never got to see the end of! It's surprising how quickly you can pass time with a few films and 6 hours sleep. Unfortunately Ju didn't sleep that well - I don't blame her, it's difficult to sleep in a cramped space. The flight continued as we chased darkness all the way to New Zealand...
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