Tag 3 von Bolderberg nach Genk
29,9 km
Die Sonne lachte, der Weg war bezaubernd und die Welt nach all diesen Unwettern wieder in Ordnung.
Der Weg führte durch diverse belgische Naturreservate (lichte Wälder und violette Heiden), wobei alles recht lieblich aber nicht speziell war.
Kulturelles Highlight am Morgen war mal wieder eine Abtei (Herkenrode), die im Mittelalter ein wichtiger Pilgerort wurde, da hier die Relikte der heilien Ursula und ihren 11.000 (!) Jungfrauen liegen. Ich frag mich, ob das mal jemand nachgezählt hat..?
The special feature of the day was Albert Canal, which I met 4 times and crossed twice. This 130 km long canal was built in the 1930ies to allow the Belgian traders from the Maas area acces to the North Sea without passing through the Netherlands. The canal itself looked at all locations the same. Even the hordes of cylists racing along its shores and the bridges (mainly destroyed in the 2nd WW) had all the same design.
Tonight I am staying in an AirBnB place, which is exactly one of those bricked houses in fancy neighbourhoids I was complaining the other day about. Anyway, it's a beautiful house frim the inside with an extremely nice landlady (Martine) -who offered tea and toffees when I came and she wrote on a blackboard in my room "Wecome Simona, sleep well". Tonight, I definetly will. After nearly 30 km my body hurts and all I will do for tonight (actually I am doing right now while writing) is eating (in a greek restaurant) and sleeping. Oh -dinner arrives...
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