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New York, New York
If you didn't already know I like a good statistic; so here our some numbers to quantify our dream 10 months away from the real world in Latin America.
We travelled 27,655km overland from Guatemala City to Buenos Aires via 142 buses and 20 boats. (From the North Pole to the South Pole is 20,004km.)
That's 92km/day or under 4km/hr - so we …
Ben Hobbs Wonder if Warren Gatland knows that he has a larger pool of players to pick from for his Welsh rugby squad? If not, please don't tell him!
re: Heading back north and Puerto MadrynDad xx I hope by confiscated your apple you meant a piece of fruit and not your apple phone or I-pad!
re: Trekking the 'W' in TorresMum Really like the piano staircase!
re:Linda What a couple of Alkies you are1 Lucky you. Mum xxx
re: Quaffing in CafayateAgnes Great post, but I think this title was already taken... ;)
re: Welcome to the jungleDad/Andy Nice fountains!
re:Eddie I love all the pictures, very jealous!
re: Cruising the Galápagosgeraldine awesome. You chose well and seem to have enjoyed every moment. Did you say only equadoreans are allowed to live there? Really pleased it was so wonderful and meant so much to you both Great to talk last night, you both look very well and relaxed lots of love Mum
re: Cruising the GalápagosMike Glad you found the restaurant... Sorry for the s*** directions but we stumbled upon it completely by accident! Keep up the great blogging guys :)
re: Keeping clean in BañosDiane Malone OMG you made it to Cotopaxi good for you. I did the bike ride can only imagine how you felt after the hike. Wonder we stayed in the same hostel can not recall the name of mine do remember how nice it was with a good location. djm
re: Cotopaxi VolcanoSimon Hi Diane, I'm so glad you loved the Galápagos Islands. We haven't actually been yet we go on the 24th Oct. No doubt we will take loads of photos - can't wait. All the best. Simon
re: Quito- with some weather to remind us of England