on the table we were sat there was a piece of A4 paper that had the order that the night would proceed, at the bottom of the page was the sentence; "lets make this your best night in austrailia" and it was.
in case you are unsure of what i am talking about we went on the neighbours night out recently and it was bloody amazing. the night out takes place at an english style pub, which was amazing cause it had bitter, i get stand crappy lager, too gasey. anyway the night consists of a 30 question quiz, general knowledge with neighbours questions thrown in, meeting the stars, yeah!!!!, and also there are random competitions where you can win prizes by doing stuff like dancing comp, singing comp and so on. the neighbours stars that we got to meet where paul, janelle and god himself, toady!! toady is amazing he got introduced by everyone singing "we love you taody, we do.." and then he started to answer some questions. one of the questions he answered was why are you fat? his response was; "cause after i shag you mum she gives me a cookie". anouther question was how would you like toady to die? answer; "dee to come back and give him a bad case of crabs" he is an absolute god. so we got photos with all the stars, phoned laids so he could speak to toady and also got signed harold tshirts
Matt has completed his 1st entry! good times!
Adam tacking some stuff onto the end now. Toady personally told me that i looked like Ronnie John. No, i dont know who that is either, but Toady said it so its got be right.
Other things that we have done in Melbourne include;
Victoria night market, a lot like the contenintal market but cooler and bigger. I fell asleep in a park with my t-shirt up and burnt my belly. Ouch! Met Shane Warne and Shannon Elizebeth (Nadia from American pie) aswell as various other pro poker players who im not bothered about. Matt didnt mention the neighbourghs tour!!! we went to ramsey st (really called pin oak cr) and its TINY!
thats about it. we stayed in the city mainly because going out is to expensive and for a unknown reason we have been sleeping in late. very late in me and livs case.
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