Surprise surprise, we´re in the middle of yet another mammoth bus journey! We´ve bored enough family and friends by making them email us with entertainment that we thought we,ll update you on our antics.
So after Salta we had 24 hours of joy on the bus to iguazu. This was actually pretty enventful for our journeys which made us slightly worried. The highlight was us debating for the first few hours on whether we needed to take malaria tablets (we´ve both had pretty psycho doctors who have told us we dont need to be so stupid or that we are going to die from it so it was pretty hard to decide). In the end, we decided to take them but couldn´t remember how many we needed to take, when or how. We went for 2 tablets (god knows why), after "dinner" (some crisps) and remembered something about needing to sit or stand up for an hour after. None of this went well. Sophie decided to crack a joke while I was taking the water so I ended up drinking none and being covered in it. Sophie then decided she felt sick about 2 seconds after taking it. I also thought it was very important to sit up bolt upright for exactly an hour after. You cant be too careful!
Eventually we arrived in Puerto Iguazu, on the border with Brazil and checked into our hostel which was gorgeous with a huge swimming pool. Also bumped into Sheena from uni randomly which means Team History is going strong in south america. Not much to report from here really as we just spent the first 2 days chilling by the pool and doing nothing, apart from strolling to the shop to get ice creams. Although one of these visits did almost end in a disaster when a dog started chasing us and seeing as I am convinced every dog in south america has rabies meant we started screaming and running away from it down the road. We did almost lose an ice cream but decided the sacrifice was too high and went back to get it. Later that night, there was more dramatics as some french guy stole a camera from one of the girls we were with. A few vodkas meant I thought I was some sort of ninja warrior so chased after him, putting into him a lock I got taught and stealing the camera back. Won´t be trying that one again!
The next day we went to see the falls, which were amazing! Although we did get sidetracked by the musueum bit with Sophie seemed to love, pretending to canoe in some sort of boat thing and posing with pictures of tigers. The falls are like some sort of theme park, where you have to get little steam train things to get to different parts. Again, the photos won´t do them justice as they are so stunning. For some reason, we didn´t realise we would be getting wet from these gigantic waterfalls so when we went to the top we ended up shrieking and running around and generally looking like idiots and almost falling in. In the afternoon, we went on a speedboat tour that goes under the falls which was mental as they dont really do go under them and get soaked. Trudging back up the steps in dripping wet clothes was interesting as no-one else seemed to be wet and were looking at us like we had actually fallen in. Soph and I went back to the entrance by ourselves while Alex and Greg (a guy we met in La Paz) went to visit an island and shockingly, we got lost. instead of getting the train we ended up walking along some trail and we swear it was like being in the jungle...only with a nice stone path in the middle. I´ve never seen Miss sophie sprint so fastly (or so weirdly) when we say a massive green black bug animal thing under a bridge. But she got her revenge when I heard a rustle and jumped on to her, only to realise it was a guy who has just fallen over and wouldn´t stop laughing at us. Eventually however we made it out and back to the hostel, where we celebrated our day with wine out of a box worth 3 pesos (about 70p). Classy girls.
Back at the hotel, Alex met someone from uni and gone off to visit some Jesuit ruins with him in argentina somewhere. After doing the inca trail, we´ve seen enough ruins to last us a lifetime so decided it was much more sensible to go and lie on a beach for a few days. Which means, we have been unleashed on south america by ourselves, speaking spanish and to be honest, not having a clue what we are doing. We know this will shock you, but we´re doing quite well! We got on the right bus, spoke spanish and everything. We´ve even made friends with all the bus people...we sat down and they kept on coming up us and telling us important information in spanish. we tend to nod our heads and say "si" a lot, so god knows what we are agreeing to, but we convinced the policeman that came on board that we knew what we doing, and had a nice chat with him, aswell as christening him Paolo. For anyone travelling in argentina, always pick AndesMar..its the best bus ever. Not only did they play Step Up on the TV meaning we could dance round the empty bus, they also play Bingo when it gets more people on which was immense. We formed a fanatsic team, with sophie checking the numbers and me being the translator by flicking through the phrasebook at high speed to get the right numbers. Unfortunately we lost, which was gutting as the winner got red wine (no-one told us that), but we had fun and Frederico (again, not his actual name) got entertained by our attempts at shouting numbers in spanish. Best Journey Ever. But sadly, 3am came and we had to get off...not before one of our mates came to get us and check where we were. We love you AndesMar! So, we spent 3 hours in Concordia bus staion, sitting on our rucksacks to fend off cockroaches and me being entertained by sophie´s mental dancing. We also got sold a ticket to Salto, which afetr a quick check in our book, told us we were wither going to Uruguay or Chile, so we hopped on with our fingers crossed and thankfully ended up in Uruguay...well almost, we did need to run after the bus to get on after going through passport control. So now we´re in Salto, in a much better bus station waiting for the next leg of the journey onto Montevideo. We dont actually know the currency conversion rate so god knows how much we´ve paid for our ticket, or wether its actually the correct one but we´re sure it´ll be fine. SJ xx
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