After a fianl evening and a messy goodbye to Team Extreme ( including druken dancing and randome face paint) we boarded a bus to Noosa in the morning a bit depressed to be saying goodbye to everyone but happy as we still had Dee along for the rde! Amazingly Lucy Kent had decided to change her plans slightly ( she loves us a lot) and come to Noosa as well which meant she was on the bus to greet us. After much hugging and squealing when we were reunited ( it had been 10 months since graduation!) we spent the whole bus journey talking at each other about all we had been up to. Me, Jenks, Dee and Luce checked in our hostel once we arrived in Noosa and arranged to meet some guys we had met on Fraser ( not members of team extreme, gutted for them, but instead team boring) down at the beach. Meet Tom, Freddie, Paul and Andy who from this point on stalked us down the east coast. After a lovely hour or so all down on the beach, which is really rather beautiful, we headed into Noosa town which is really lovely and very smart with a slight italian-esque feel about it. The boys decided they would cook dinner for us ( a trend which was to continue, bonus!) and we ended up spending a chilled out night at their hostel with a little bit of goon drun from bowls and drinking games thrown in for good measure.
The next day we had to say goodbye to Luce who was heading to Brisbane which was really rubbish BUT we were also going to Australia Zoo which made up for it slighlt.y Me, SIan, Dee, Tom and Freddie all hopped on the bus and headed off for a nice family day out. We basically spent a day running around the animal enclosures like little kids getting to stroke koalas and feed kangaroos and even purchased some gorgeous fluffy tiger ears which make us look very fetching indeed ( we tell ourselves we bought them because the proceeds went to helping endangered tigers and nothing to do with how good we looked in them). The whole of the zoo is plastered in Stee Irwin ( creepy and annoying) and we may have slightly inappropriately out our fluffy tiger ears on the 'steve irwin memorial' ( a statue of the irwin family) for a photo opportunity!
A full day of Zoo loving completely wore us out and we headed back to our hostel where we promplty fell asleep at around 7. SH xx
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