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So this is it. I'm drinkingmy last cup of English teas. I'm filled suddenly with the most indescribable feeling. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's a pleasent mixture of fear, Nervousness, excitement, regret, aprehension. Plain terror.
I feel strangely calm though, all things considered. Sitting next to me as i type is a large rucksack and a small pink holdal. It has just hit me that these two small bags
contain everything I have now for the next year.
Nothing but me a Plane …
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Sian Elizabeth Bennett
So this is it. I'm drinkingmy last cup of English teas. I'm filled suddenly with the most indescribable feeling. I can't quite put my finger on it. It's a pleasent mixture of fear, Nervousness, excitement, regret, aprehension. Plain terror.
I feel strangely calm though, all things considered. Sitting next to me as i type is a large rucksack and a small pink holdal. It has just hit me that these two small bags
contain everything I have now for the next year.
Nothing but me a Plane ticket and a passport. No particular destination, no Particular desires to head anywhere in particular. My only known destination is home and that seems a world away now.
What will I learn on this incredible journey I wonder? I have no idea. All I know is I've got to board a plane for Thailand in five and beyond that? Thats up to fate.