We have started our trip!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
I first have to mention that we have not put any photos up yet as we were told that our account had a few problems in its setup so they may have to create a new account for us. So be aware that the web address may change soon, i m sure they will send an email out to all of you. Also this keyboard sucks so forgive any mistakes.
So our flights from Sarasota to London were all on time and no worries. We hung out at the airport for 8 hours until our next flight left for Cairo. Nothing exciting happenend and we managed to change our tickets a little.
the flight to Cairo was awesome!!! You really notice a difference between US carriers and the rest of the worlds carriers. Anyway we were treated like royality on the flight and got us ready for Cairo. We arrived on time at 12:30am. Immigration and customs was a breeze, but we werent ready for outside the airport!! As we walked outside the doors we were swamped by 100 or so people trying to "help" us. I had arranged an airport pickup from our hostel before we arrived, and I was so happy I did as it would of been 100 times worse. Everyone and their mother was chasing us around and trying to give us a ride or get us a hotel, and they just wouldn't take no fr an answer! Eventually we just sat down after we couldnt find our driver, then an old guy came over to me claiming that he is talking to our hotel now. So he gives me the phone and I ask somesecurity type questions to see if it is the real deal or not. I couldn't really understand a lot of what was being said, but it seeme to be the guy. So soon after someody turns up and gives us aride to the hostel.
The ride to the hostel was very exciting/eye opening/crazy/scary etc etc. So it took me at least 10 minutes to work out what side of the road the drive on, the right. Most roads are maybe 3 lanes wide but there are no real lane makings visible, anyway they just seemed to be for guidance anyway. Every single car was weaving saround like a dirt track race. Of course no indercators were used at all. The only thing they do is use the horn to warn cars that they are coing to pass them on some side. What makes it worse is that people just cross the road wherever thay want to, whenever thay want to! It was uncommon to see people standing in the middle of the road as cars zoom by at 50 kms an hour. The cars just honk at them to not move or something. Then all of a sudden we turn the corner and what could be the police has set up a road block, some wear in uniform and some were not, but that all had automatic machine guns. One thing I noticed on the drive was that even tough it was 1am or so there were a lot of people having picnics all over the place ith their kids.Once we got closer to the city we were hard pressed t see a lady. Oh and lights dont seem to be followed herem you just need to honk or hopr the other guy slows down.
We made it safely to the hostel at around 2am. We checked in and went to our room. Not bad,there are just four beds and a balcony. We are on the 6th floor of a building. Amy passed out right away and I probably didnt get to bed till 4am or so. I think my mind was still racing frm all the eye candy of everything being so different from the States, even though i had only had 3 hours sleep the night before.
today we had a full fantastic day in Cairo. We got up at 9am and had the free breakfast, which was made ofbread. jam,and a boiled egg. Then we meet with a guy who told us what all to do and gave us maps. He organised a driveer for us and we were on our way by midday. First stop was to get Amy an ISIC as students get 50% off entrance fees here. Then we had to pick up and English guide, so says the government. The tour guide first took us to a papyrus factory. we recognized the scam as it was just like the jade factory we went to in China. However, we liked the pictures and bought one of the smallest sized ones. i guess it will be a good souvenir to hang on our wall at home.
then our guide took us to the sahara. we went the back way into the pyramid area because we were riding on camels!! we got a great workout and a very bumpy ride. ;) we lasted the whole 2 hours, though simon fell on some rocks when we were off the camels taking pictures. so he was bleeding all over the place. Great infections is all I could think. Amy's camel had several open wounds that were just a sea of flies so I was just hoping that wouldnt happen to me. We took tons of great pictures and learnt a lot about the pyramids. We just felt sorry for the 11 year old boy who was guiding the camels for the first hour! But the guide said he did when he was a biy. Luckily the last half of the trip we got to ride the camels unassisted.
But sorry we have to go for we will finish up tomorrow or Monday!
Love Si and Amy
Finally we could see the pryamids of giza!!!
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