Well this is only going to be a short blog as not all that much happened since the last entry........ other than TUBING!!!!! OMFG, it is totally hiariously dangerous, such good fun. As long as u are sensible it is fine, althou some1 died last wk doing it, (didn't want to say b4 I did it Mum :)
Ok so we picked up out tubes (rings) and headed with a tuk tuk full of people and of course my luck it broke down, so we had t push, but eventually ended up walking. Tubing for those who don't know ( google it) is, rubber rings that u sit in and "leisurely" float down the river, altho the current is strong. There are 15 bars along the river (which look like wooden huts) and men stand on the bank throwing ropes with a bottle tied to the end, if u want to stop at that bar they will pull u in!! OK, so 1st bar, had small beer, spray paint on back saying "I love Laos" and entered the water down a slide, dropped and lost my 99p sun glasses, gutted and We were off. I couldn't navigate the bloody ring and ended up in reeds... alone, lost my top, so I am now in my bikini with no back up plan if I started to get self conscious. Maneged to get myself loose and arrived at bar No:2. Here they were promoting Q Bar, for that evening back in town. They were adding more spray paint to people, using stensils and templates. Of all that was on offer and not wanting to have anything crude on my body I opted for the word "baywatch" sprayed across my chest ( for irony) but was told the rules were, something had t be offensive and believe me this was the least offensive, so I had "F**K sprayed on my chest and "Baywatch" on my tummy... Only to find when I got home and after 6 hours of tubing and sun worshipping, I had burnt my little body........ and as a result I now ahve the words "F**K" and "baywatch" permanently etched on to my chest in white burn marks... hilariously embarrassing!!!
Ok so, I was being sensible and having small beers not shot or buckets of cocktails... but towards the end I started on the free whiskey jars, but by this time, it was almost time to go... so no need to worry ;) We went to this bar called Mud Bar - where basically it was mud and water and therefore, mud fights. There was this Oz guy who was travellinng with his 9 yr old son (not the palce for a child), who, the little s***, threw a fist full of mud in my face and was literally in my mouth... so in good spirit, I took it with a smile (through) gritted teeth) and chased him... I pretended to stop and then threw some at him.. with the words "in your face Peter" followed by a trumphant punchof the air .. only to discover the **** was crying.... so then I felt bad and he totally took away from my moment of glory ( so funny) :)
At another bar (every bar I was pulled in at was accompanied by a very ungraceful dismout, my legs were too small to hang over the edge of the tube, so they just jutted out and therefore I could kick the water to move.... hence why I ended up several times in reeds and rocks) there was this slide, which had a 30ft drop to the water.. others were doing a rope swing in the water / zip line, but I opted for the slide.... well if I did.... I went so bloody fast, my legs shot up in the air, i landed on my thight adn now have a 7inch long purple/bloody bruise and 4 inch wide... it is huge!!! I am tryign to pics on here but it won;t let me, but I am managing to put them on Facebook, so take a look or get someone who has it to show u!! I will keep trying.
That night we did go out, but was so tired didn't make it out for long. I have so far mnaged to avoid Pink eye, but the other girls I am with have all had it! yday we travelled to Vientane (the capital of Laos) and tomorrow we are travelling down to Si Phon Don, by the Cambodian border, where the Irrawaddy dolphins are renownd... as uc an see I have decided not to fly as too expensive. I am still with the girls and are meeting more people everyday. last night I stayed up chatting to 2 Oz and English guy. I will leave the girls in Cam, when I go tot he orphanage and then meet up with them o the beach in Vietnam for our joint bday. Then I will leave them, as they ahev shrter time than I and will then take it eadys up the east coast and then fly to Sri Lanka for much needed R+R and 2 weeks o the beach... :)
right my lovelies. Hope ua re all well x x x x x x x x x x x x xx
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