now then now then, hidi hi campers!
soz i ant been in touch for a while, but just been soo busy soaking up the sun n having such a good time, i found it hard to pull myself away from it all. Here i am though, im in milawi at the moment at kande beach campsite, which funny enough is right on the beach, so plenty of swimming going on. there`s an island just out about 700m from our beach, which dint look that far at first glance so i decided to swim over. how wrong i was, it was f**king miles away, well thats wot it felt like to me any way. really took the wind out of my sales. glad i did it though, it was real good fun. think a few of us are gunna do it again today.
every one is so friendly here, there`s a few locals that we met last night playing drums on the beach, they have all adopted funky names like, mr lover lover n sisco, i even met brad pit n donald duck aswell! we were all smashed on the milawi wawi last night, which was real fun. just laughed n laughed while playing the bongos n a bit of a sing song ya know! good times! apparantly they make some special bananna cake which is supose to be mind blowing, so ive put my order in for some, im gunna go talk buisness after this. so tonight should be another barrel of laughs!
I carnt put any photo`s on yet coz i seem to have broken my camera, pis*ed up one night on the ngorongoro crater chasing some wild animals, trying to get some good close up pics. which was fun! ill just av to wait till i can buy a new camera in namibia hopefully n put them all on. ive got some real cool pics of the massi mara, loads of lions n elephants n cheeta`s, we saw a pride of lions with cubs eating breakfast the other day, which was auwsome, but still havent seen the killing yet, which i really want to see. is that wrong to want to see some death? mm na its just nature.
well thats it from me now, ive still got loads more storys to tell but i can hear the waves crashing on the beach, n its just calling my name. i carnt resist!
think im gunna go horse ridding bare back in the lake later, which should be interesting seen as im not that keen large four legged animals that are bigger than me. but hay ho eh, when in rome as they say!
hope your all avin fun at work
ill try up date my journal more often, but it is hard to pull myself away from all the fun ya know!
keep all the message`s coming in. thanks guys! peace!
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