Don't just pop into Myamar (Burma) We stopped there last year and it was safe and what Thailand was 20 years ago when we traveled there.Beaware that you must have your money sorted out as there are no atm's McDonalds and the like. But there are loads to see. If you have to have a hot shower maybe stay in Vietnam. We had a blast.Look up out travel blogs here
Latest photos.......
That's all I can say!!.
HI there. Love the room video. I have definitely stayed in rooms with less going for them and definately paid more! Greece comes to mind.
Let me know when is best for you to get onto Skype. Weekends would be best for me. I will also arrange to get the girls together for a Skype session too. I think you are around 7 hours ahead?
Unsurprisingly the Christmas stocking isn't finished... Angela disappointed in me I think! lol. Just too much to do and so little time at this time of the year.
The three of us are going out on December 20th. Hoping it does not snow :) We are going to the Moroccan on Bold Street.
Love Jan xx
Tony & Vicki
16 months?? Wow - you really do know how to live in style! Have a wonderful time - we'll keep a check on how you're doing! Still miss not having you guys next door - it's not the same without you, although the garden is better! Love Tony & Vicki x
Lynn Tj
Glad it is going well,despite Paul's brush with the law lol! We will laugh every time we think about his girlie pea on a drum look!
In your tradition we are eating Indian food tonight, although ours will be nearer £20 than 20p
Christmas is fast approaching , so have adopted my bah humbug routine. Will have to dig out the decs soon I guess. Lucky you, you can escape the madness
Keep blogs coming, enjoying hearing about your adventures xxx
Hi there! Trust you to find the penis shaped rock! Photos are great - well apart from the spider. Eeek is spot on! Good for you not going for the animal explotation, plenty would sadly.
Helen, Angela and I went to Liverpool and guess what.. we actually did shop! Angela has managed to persuade me to have a go at something of a sewing persuasion. I have to make a Christmas stocking. As it is designed for kids of 3plus I should surely manage it... though it may be ready for next Christmas lol.
We are setting each other challenges in the New Year. A gardening one and a cooking one to go with the sewing one.
Heaven knows what we will be doing by the time you get home!
Anyway, I am looking forward to the next instalment of your adventures.... I got your Skype invitation so hope to hear from you soon.
Jan x
Bernard Owen
lovely photos paul good to hear weather has picked up mum has had flu i am on strike on 2/3 dec over pay rise and change of contracts look forward to see more photos and see you on skype look a fter yourselves love mum and dad xx
Lynn And Dave
Lovely to hear you have arrived on the first leg of your journey. We are in France with grandchildren and negotiating around Paris in rush hour, in the dark , not speaking Fench was enough adventure for us but two trains later, and walking in a big circle-we made it!! Sure your adventures will be a little more interesting!! Enjoy your chill out xxxx
Hi there! Great to get the first blog entry off you. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures and seeing some lovely photos. I need palm trees to look at as the weather here is turning distinctly wintry. As usual, in return for your adventures I will keep you up to date with what Angela, Helen and I get up to. We have one of those 'shopping' trips organised for next Sunday :).
Bye for now...
Jan xxx
David And Pam
Hi Paul ,Hi Sheryl , just a quickie to say have a wonderful time on this epic journey .we will be thinking of you, and look forward to the pics. and blog and hope that all goes well ,and your God is with you Bye For Now,
Dave and Pam XX
PS will be using Pams email addy wont miss blogs then.
Barry Quatermass
Good Luck Paul and Sheryl, if you get stuck in Kho Samui ask for Ken Quatermass (my brother) who lives there.
All the best