Hi Paul AND Sheryl , HAPPY NEW YEAR. I know its late but I said it would be new year next time I wrote, nearly EASTER he says HA HA. looks as though you are still having a great time. beautiful photos of waterfall etc. You are dead right it would have made a great change for us Portland has been very rough ,and still its the .heaviest rainfalls we have had for ages but being high up we get the wind but not the floods .You would have had some great pics of the Bill if you had been here .that's for sure
that's a cheap Best Western you have been staying at ,in fact you seem to have had some good deals .WHICH IS ALWAYS NICE, and that area seems beautiful . Pam and me just been viewing pics and video Paul you are making her jealous, well you keep enjoying it 16 months is a long time .you do live miles away but missing our contact chats etc..speak again soon .miss you lots but you have great fun ,Dave & Pam
Cherylllll.... I have never seen photos like it what wonderful photography. Absolutely blooming amazing... I want most of them for my home, can you arrange that please lol!?
Enjoy the rest of your trip :-)
Dottie x
Hi Sheryl and Paul - looks like your having a great time - loving seeing the photos xxx
Did you stay at the Victoria we did. How did you get from Cambodia to Vietnam did you take the ten dollar boat like us?!
Happy NY it all sounds so amazing-beginning to be a wee bit jealous! Loving the ice cream and fritters, very Maccie D ( not)!!
It is great to feel so welcome everywhere you go-long may that continue
We are all ok and send you our warmest wishes. Look forward to the blogs love Lynn and Dave xx
Barry Q
keep the images coming, it looks like you are cramming plenty into your trip, happy new year to you both
Happy New Year!! Best wishes to you for great times and happy memories.
Love Jan and Brian xx
Glad you are having fun! enjoy the hew year where will you be?
Bernard Owen
Wishing you and Paul a merry christmas and happy new year thanks for the prezzies will be thinking of you both while partaking in a glass or two of wine. Love mum and dad xxxx
Love those umbrellas on Pub Street! Could do with them here. Just a little rainy and windy.. although to listen to the news you would think it was the end of the world!
Angela and Helen and I went out on Friday, a quiet night for us but that could be down to the tons of lovely Moroccan food we ate. We went to the Shipping Forecast, as ever, lovely atmosphere.
Christmas build up in full swing, just been to Asda..... have had worse experiences that's all I can say!
I am sure a Cambodian 'Christmas' will be far less stressful!
However you spend it we hope it is a good one!
Jan and Brian xxx
Lynn Tj
Just a quick message to wish you a very happy alternative Christmas! I am sure you will do something original even if it is only eating sausage fruit buns-eww!!
We will raise a glass to you with our love
while we are worn out by the demands of the children- it will be lovely to see them but they are exhausting!!
Take care my lovelies love Dave and Lynn xxx
Dave And Pam
Hi Ya .glad to see you are in your stride and enjoying yourselves again ,smashing pictures once more . Have read your blogs with great interest, you both are very good at its often very graphic , easy to picture what you are writing about, you should write a book. have a lovely time over Xmas thinking of you both and will message again in new year Happy Christmas xx
Dave and Pam