Sherwood Family Trip
How beautiful is this view we didn't make Adelaide thank goodness as this is the best place we have been to so far. Our camping bay is right on a small river and we have an amazing playground next door.
DS isn't feeling too well and has had a shower already and said they were soooo clean. Which believe me is a big thing! Only problem is that as it is a public holiday and we had to give up all our fruit and veggies at the border we are having baked beans for dinner, although anything should taste good tonight, with this view.
- comments
nanna and poppy Port Wakefield looks beautiful and how nice is it to have a clean shower. Do hope Dev is feeling better, maybe it was all those easter eggs hey. We are now packed and ready to go to the airport. Just waiting for Trent to pick us up so dont know when I will get to read your next blog. Enjoy your travels guys as we will. Keep safe. xxxxx
Emily Ritchie Hey hopes all good? sounds so fun.hope dj feels better keep safe emxox
AS Thanks Mum and Dad for everything the camper trailer is doing well, DS has vomited a huge amount but now feels better, PS had something similar 2 nights ago. Hope you have the best trip ever and you do get to read this every now and then so that we can see what you are up to as well. Love you heaps and heaps. xx
DS hi Em yep not so good done a huge vomit and hope to feel better tomorrow. been watching season 1 of Glee and I got season 2 for my birthday so at least have something good to watch. you have to tell me if you see any good movies, did you have a good easter? luv DS
jacinta hey how beautiful is this looks like heaven hope ds is feeling better sounds like a great adventure so far will get sam to write something soon miss you all and my dog is on valium now due to the birds hahaha all good take care