Hello to all its been a while since our last blog so ive stepped up to the plate for another addition, its ben. in this weeks episode there will be tears, police, snakes, women and a cheeky beer or two, its been an emmotional rollercoaster. any way well we left phi phi on the 31st of march to head to krabi, was a very beautiful place, great beaches, we found a hostel and we hav now got into a trend of sneaking two people in to the hostel to save money, it works really well and we havnt been caught, yet!so anyway we went out for dinner that night and we were just having a chat when someone remembered you hav to hav a visa to stay in the country longer than a month, oops. so we found out if it was a problem and apparently it was so the next day we made a dash for the border and headed for the malaysian island Langkawi. We were called in for a chat with the police, and after hours of interragation they let us go with a 500 baht fine, they kept james behind for a bit longer, he wouldnt tell us wat happened it this time but he hasnt been the same since. when we got to Langawie we got reccomended a hostel and it was wicked, it had a tv room and a kitchen for the guests so it was time to do a bit off cooking! jack(shef) steeped up to the plate and absolutely nailed it, pasta with a meddetaranian sauce with a slight hint or basil. The last blog mentioned a certain change of personality for mr sargeant , i dunno what it is, maybe the sun, maybe the beer, but the supper stud didnt waste any time on going for it again. Bill went off on a sorta honney moon period with some girlhe met at the hostel, i mean he only new her fo 4 hours but he is working fast! they went to the romantic tropical island of koh lippe. He is now back but is very reserved when talking about the fairytale weekend away. So Langkawi is very big so we decided to rent a car, to explore the island and james was employedas the chief driver. we did an amazing cable car up on to the highest point on the island. Rich and a few others were a bit scared of the heights but i was there to hold his hand, i think that means that the bunjee jump is out of the window. when we reached the top the views were very cool, we were surrounded by thick jungle and as u looked out to the ocean u could see hundreds of islands. The last few days we have developed a habbit of breaking into really posh hotels and using the pools, it is working really well and we have only been caught once so far, so we are going to keep trying are luck, at one hotel we r becoming recognised faces arround the place, result! The nightlife here is very good there is an amazing bar named the reggae bar which have a live band every night and is always very full. It has aslo been the malaysian water festival here it is a very strange event with games like chase the chicken, but the place has been pretty buzzing because of this festival! tommorow we fly to kuala lumper, we booked a flight because we managed to get it for a tenner, and every1 was sick of the hot busses! oh yer we also got to hold a snake everyone else was very relaxed but i got pretty scared, was very glad when it was over. someone has informed me there has been snow in england, that sound good at the moment because we r all over heating cos we dont have a fan in our room, 6 in one room makes it even hotter which has been the case the last few days. anyways hope all is well miss everyone, love ben, rich, shef, coppard, james, bill and his mrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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