So like i said in my last entry i'm going to TRY and remember bits that i have done down the coast. So here goes ............
So the morning i have been waiting for, for the last 9 months has finally arrived, my case is packed, with the help of mum and i am all ready to go. The last few days have been the hardest ever becuase i have had to say by to the most important people in my life. But it was not goodbye it was always i will see you later. We loaded my case into the car, i said bye to may amazing and totally cute animals and hopped in the car. About 2 minutes later i got out again as i went and said goobye to my nanny and grandad. I thought saying bye to my friends was bad enough but this was a whole new level. I got back in the car with a reb and puffy face from crying and we drove for about 10 minutes and i went and saw Sarah again to give her and Shellie a letter i had wrote them both. Yet again after drying my face from the last time i got back into the car with a blotch and even reader face.
About an hour into our journey to Heathrow airport we stopped at a cafe on the side of the motor way, where dad used to stop when he was a lorry driver. Here is where i had my last british meal. I Can't remember what i had, but it was nice to sit there with my mum, dad and sister and have one last meal together. Once we had finished we got back in the car and carried on for another 1 1/2 hours and arrived at Heathrow Aiport. Of course we arrived rediculously early as mum and dad worry to much and didn't think we would make it in time. This made things a bit worse really, because i could see mum was sitting there willing the minutes to not go past before i boarded my flight. That time did eventually come and i walked through to the departure gates. This is where i said my final goodbyes to my family. (I hate all this goodbye stuff, i keep crying and i look rediculous when i have a red face). So I walked through the gates, done one last head turn to see my family and then i was gone. Whilst walking through still in tears a lady doing a survey thinks its a good time for me to do a survey with tears still rolling down my face. But i of course do it, not sure if she totally understood what i said though haha!!!
I sat in the terminal for a while, spoke to shellie on the phone for a while and just generally wandered around. My flight information had come up on the board so i went to my gate. I then got a message from my sister saying that on the way home someone driving a lorry had crashed into the side of dad's car. I thought great just before i'm about to baord my flight to the otherside of the world this is what i need. But luckily they where all alright and just the side of dads car was damaged. I boarded my flight and i sat next to an old couple who where very nice. I opened the letter that shellie and sarah had wrote to me, which was so sweet and made me smile. There where pictures of all of us in the letters, so i wouldn't forget what they looked like. (like that was going to happen).
The first part of my flight was 13 hours to Singapore. I watched a few movies, but slept most of the way. When i arrived in Singapore i saw Luke who was on my flight and we sat together in the aiport and chatted while we waited for the next part of our flights. He only had a 5 hour wait so the last 3 hours i was bored out of my mind. the second part of my flight finally came around and i ended up sitting next to women. This flight wasn't as bad as it was only 8 hours long. The flight itself was alright apart from the turbulence at the end, i'm a good flyer but that freaked me out, the plane was jumping up and down alot. But thankfully we arrived safely.
I arrived in sydney airport at 10am local time. I was absaloutly shattered after my 32 hour flight, which had an 8 hour stop over in Singapore. On my flight i was handed a decelartion form that i had to fill out. I had never seen one of these before nor did i know what i was or wasn't allowed in the country (maybe should have doen a bit more research). I filled it out as well as i could and declared the stuffed toy in my suitcase and the bars of chocolate and sweets i hadn't eaten on the flight. I went through the passport control bit who checked my visa and i was so nervous that i wouldn't be allowed in .... but i was woooo!!! Then the next bit was declaring what i had in my bag, i went through the yes gate as i thought i had to but when i got there they looked at me like an idiot for declaring chocolate. (better to be safe than sorry).
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