Spent the day cruising around Rome. There was an enormous thunder storm early and everyone we spoke to here said they had never seen anything so fierce, closed the metro and caused all other kinds of disruption. We managed to miss it all though and went shopping as apparently you have to do.
We dropped into the Vatican after having a little lunch and I'm not a religious person but I stood in awe while in the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. The artwork is absolutely amazing and painting something to behold.
Following several tasty beverages of the local red served in this little bar in a back alley we headed off for a twilight viewing of the Trevi Fountain. Again an amazing site, people everywhere, wished being made and dreams being fulfilled.
We found on our first night here this great restaurant, La Rustichella, and so thought we would make it the spot for our farewell to Italy meal. Enjoying with us was our great friend Rowena who met us in Rome as she is trekking around Europe. Tomorrow we say, 'hello Belgium' that is if we survive the Ryanair flight.
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