She says: Three totally foreign countries in three days! What a whirlwind. This week, we have developed empathy for touring rock stars and the Baron and Baroness Carrickfergus (most of you know them by one of their other official titles, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Will and Kate). Traveling to a brand new place every single day is thrilling, challenging and absolutely exhausting!
Fortunately, the order of our destinations worked out perfectly. As it turns out, we scheduled the most foreign and overwhelming locations first. Tokyo had nearly indecipherable maps, public transportation, and although everyone was ridiculously friendly, we were on our toes and got by with our considerable wits! Our Amazing Race continued in Seoul, where, despite our complete ignorance about the place, it felt much easier to navigate. Now that we're in Hong Kong, things are organized immaculately for tourists and the dozens of uniformed and sash wearing employees at public transportation hubs make it impossible to get lost. I wonder if this pattern will continue and Bangkok will be even easier. Somehow, I doubt it, but I've already been surprised dozens of times on our short journey so far.
We are finally taking some time tp relax, looking out at an incredible city (and partial harbour) view from our room at the brand new Hotel Icon, Kowloon. The hotel is shockingly gorgeous, cosmopolitan and unique and isn't officially open yet (this is called the "soft open" period and is the reason we can afford to stay here! It was an even better value than the highly recommended YMCA). (Sidenote: that was NOT a sarcastic comment about the YMCA, their location in Hong Kong has a very well reviewed hotel, FYI).
Tonight, we are going to watch the nightly skyline sound and lights show either from the rooftop pool or a Star Ferry. Don't think for one minute that we've forgotten how lucky we are! This trip is just about the coolest thing anyone could have the chance to do.
We haven't done much here yet, but our most exciting moments so far were on the shuttle bus from the train station when the driver had to navigate between a parked Lexus, some moving guys with a cart filled with furniture and lamps, and several closely parked valet cars. Our driver got in a screaming match with the valet and had to do an impressive Austin Powers style 13-point turn. He missed the Lexus by about 2 cm and as we drove away, it was a little awkward until Matt burst into applause for the driver. Tension broken.
I am really glad I don't have to drive a car here. There would be no applause.
Flying in to Hong Kong was incredible. When the island appeared through the clouds and we saw the mountains, beaches and the biggest buildings I've ever seen, I was astounded by the beauty of it. What a city!
Reflecting in my blog posts, I realize that there's been a huge focus on transportation. There are more cool stories that I will share, I promise, but we have spent the majority of our time getting places these past days. We have either been on transportation or waiting fir transportation more than anything else! I know it makes thrilling reading.
He says: If New York City and San Francisco had a baby it's name would be Hong Kong. I can't believe how beautiful it is - the mountains, the buildings, everything. On our flight from Seoul I had short ribs marinated in a squirrel like sauce...delicious. When we arrived we were greeted by our longest customs line yet. To pass the time Shauna and I people watched. We saw a dude who looked like Billy Idol, I made faces at random kids, and complimented someone on their sunglasses - the compliment fell on deaf ears as it was met with awkward silence, we quickly moved on. Shauna has been fighting a brutal cold so every time we land somewhere she's forced to hold in her cough as we go through the quarantine portion of customs so as to not arouse suspicion that she's the outbreak monkey. We find whistling while snapping your fingers helps too. Im amazed at the rail system in the countries we've visited so far. While Ottawa is just in the final planning stages of a 15km light rail project, the cities we've been to in the few days are light years ahead in terms of commuting and convenience. Over the next few days we plan to take in the sites and smells of this city, and so far it smells delicious.
- Matt
- comments
Kim No pressure but so far the "reads" have been wonderfully exciting and entertaining...can't wait for Matt's report on street food:) Delighted to hear despite fatigue how amazing this adventure is and thrilled that we are able to enjoy it right along with you. xxoo
michael Matt, I'm anxious to hear more about your allotriophagy... that is if you should develop this. I hope that you can find some tasty foods in Hong Kong that are to your liking. The Mars candy company is a gloabl company so you should always be able to find a Mars bar. I trust that you won't resort to any kind of coprophagous habits. The next word in your journey, should you choose to accept the challenge is "babelicious". Send me a frowny face if you tire of this exercise.
Kim Yum and you can return to the Capital as an "expert" on commuting too:)