Hi everyone. Trying to catch up a bit with my blog. I've become a bit lazy with it as many of you have noticed.
Our first stop in the Thai Islands was Phucket. We only really came here as it had an airport and we were flying from Chiang Mai. The flight was an absolute dream. 2 hours traveling as aposed to 24 hours.
We arrived pretty late at our hostel and so went straight to bed. The next morning we got up and asked how we could get a nice beach. We'd been told that most of the beaches were pretty overcrowded and tacky. It took us around 40 mins on a bus to get there but it was totally worth it. The beach was beautiful and not crowded at all. Unfortunately we missed the last bus home and ended up getting a lift home from a guy in a car marked "tourist assistant volunteer." He was a volunteer who charged us a fortune to get home but we had no choice - we didnt have a clue where we were.
The next day we got the ferry across to Ko Phi Phi with a group who we'd met at our hostel. We arrived and immediately fell in love with the place! The island doesnt allow cars and so had a really nice feel to it. The beach was stunning as well! That night we met up with the group we'd travelled across with. We went to a bar that had a massive thai boxing ring in the centre. The staff there go round asking for people to go in the ring and have a boxing match. One of them asked if me and hannah would fight each other. We jokingly said yes, and he was about to whisk us off to get ready! Not a chance i'd get up there!! One of the guys we were with had a go though. However they put him against a massive australian and he wimped out - understandably. They then showed him a lad who was more his size so he took on the challenge and won. The nights on phi phi always end up with a party on the beach and this night was no different. I took my shoes off to dance in the sand and someone stole them! I was gutted because they were comfiest shoes i've ever owned.
The next day we were sunbathing on the beach and hannah suddenly spotted my friends alex and victoria from uni walking towards us. We knew they were in thailand somewhere but didnt know they were on the same island. So we spent the next 10 days with them and travelled to Ko tao and Ko phangan together which was amazing!!!
At Ko Tao Hannah and I did our open water diving certificate. We had a really good group of people in our class so had a great time despite our very pervy instuctor! The diving was amazing so we've definately got the bug.
After we finished our course, hannah, victoria, alex and i moved onto Ko Phangan with most of the diving class as well. We got to the port and saw one of the girls in a queue. There was 7 of us together at the time - all brits - and as you do when you see a queue you join it! I even though in my head "ah this is a nice orderly queue." We got to the desk and were told we were on the wrong queue and that our ferry had left. We raced along the jetty and to our suprise the woman there said shed call it back for us. We couldnt believe it. Im sure this would never happen at home! We sheepishly got on and appologised to everyone. It turns out the girl we'd seen was actually going to bangkok so we were in totally the wrong place!
We went to Ko Phangan mainly for the half moon party. This is a huge party in the jungle under a big canopy. We went as a big group which was really cool - all painted from head to toe in uv paint. Have a look at hannahs pics! We had so much fun here and partied untill 6am. I had a little incident. On the way back from the toilet in the jungle, i fell down a fire pit as it was pitch black! I could hear there was lots of broken glass in the bottom. Hannah had to pull me out and my leg was bleeding. Luckily it looked worse than it was and it was sorted with a little plaster. I was covered in soot though but didnt care too much. After all i was already covered in uv paint!
We spent one day recovering round our pool after the full moon party and then it was off to bangkok to catch our flight to oz. Saying bye to everyone was so sad - especially victoria and alex as we'd had such a good time together! We were very excited to see what Australia had in store for us though!
So finally I'm more or less up to date!
Take care everyone! x
- comments
Robert I expect your early Australian blog to be online this time are still nearly a week behind!
Paul D All looks wicked girls.....very jealous. Looking at Hannah's pictures in Cairns it is strange (and annoying!!!) to see you in places I have been to! Seems like yesterday, but it was 9 years ago!
dorothy Some of this sounds a little hairy Amy! pervy guys, falling down black holes, being whisked away in cars cos you missed the bus. Just take care! We want you both back in one piece! Have fun!