Hi you two,
Great to hear from you. Glad to see that you're making progress around Oz. Big place. Prawns and potato sound great. You cant beat the humble spud after all. Looking forward to seeing the photos.
Mind yourselves and the snakes.
Lots of love,P
Alexandra Wilkinson
Hey you two.
I have so far only read the blogs since you've been in NZ, not got round to the photos yet. Almost not sure if I want to. The blogs are making me envious enough!
Also, I am enjoying a good chortle over your excitement over showering, fishing and the maze challenges.
Keep updating us! Maybe with no photos though ;o) perhaps I will look at them a few days before LA/San Francisco and the Cayman Islands and then I won't feel do left out.
Plus I am totally with Pearl in feeling relieved that Shane couldn't bungee jump!
Lots of love to you both!! X
Denise Wilkinson
Just lay in bed looking at the latest blog & photos. The earthquake damage was bad wasn't it? Great to keep up with you two & your showering!!!!!!!!! Take care, love you, love M X
Tim Wilkinson
Hi guys, the van is VERY COZY. Glad to see the fishing is a success and your are not wasting away.
Tim Wilkinson
Great pics and videos don't forget the aeroplane pics for me. LOL XXX
Tim Wilkinson
Hi guys just catching up and great pics from Lake Titicaca and the Salt Flats.
You make it down fairly quickly.esp when its raining!!going to do the blog today and tomoz so we will give a fee details then!
Tim Wilkinson
Great pictures of your climb to Machu Picchu, just exhausted looking at those hills. Will take the train UP. How long to go down?
LOL TC Tim and Denise
Phil N Shane
Of course it was for you!couldn't have you feeling left out!yeah the oasis was mad!made for a great stop over for us!
Tim Wilkinson
Hi Phil and Shane very interesting blog and what an amazing oasis. Was the aeroplane picture for me? Take care TIim and Denise
Phil N Shane
Thanks everyone for the comments.its great knowing what you are thinking of our adventure!
Tim Wilkinson
Hi Phil and Shane just catching up on your blog, pics and CRAZY video. Take care Denise and Tim