Our adventure started off as soon as we got to the airport.Our backpacks were underweight (barely, but they passed inspection) and our carry-ons, we weren't so lucky. The man made us go and try to reorganize. I ended up taking my stuff sack out of my carry on and tried to convince the teller that this was in fact, my purse. I'm sure I looked absolutely ridiculous carrying this ugly stuff sack around toting it as a "purse" until we got past security. Once we eventually made it onto the plane we were dissapointed (Moreso distraught) to find that our nine hour flight lacked personal televisions. There was one, in the center of the plane that shortly showed the most amazing safety video that included guest cameos of Paris Hilton, Charlie Chaplin, Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Neil Armstrong, and the Queen! (Probably the most entertaining thing on the whole flight, but still). Nine hours later we arrived in Frankfurt. I basically pranced through customs. (Like actually. The lady looked at me after I said Guten Tag, rolled her eyes and just stamped my passport. EASIEST CUSTOMS LINE EVER). Then we had to grab our overstuffed backpacks and duffels and make it to the train station. Holy moly did we ever look insane. Somehow we managed to make it to the right station, I chose the right train AND the right stop. It was totally God because we were so tired and had seventy pounds of luggage on us. Jeezie Murphy. Thank the good Lord our hostel was only two blocks from the station we got off on. It was the most beautiful train station I have ever seen. Absolutely gorgeous and SOOO organized. The hostel is so cool. It's pretty much a constant disco with an old car and flashing lights. There are a Buttload of strange paintings on the walls, Rachel and I have these crazy naked twins staring at us whilst we sleep. Oh well. I guess it's part of the adventure. We explored Frankfurt and Didn't even get lost. What. How. We saw some beautiful architecture and just insane buildings. The mix of modern and historical architecture is just mind blowing in the city. We ate dinner at this German Tavern. It was so great. But the beer was gross. If you want German beer just drink olive oil with apple cider vinegar. I swear that will taste better than the beer I had.
Sleeping for twelve hours was the best thing in the world. I'm not jet legged at all, and I'm totally in the groove.
Like today, Rachel and I walked at least twenty kilometers nonstop just so we could see all that we could. We only stopped for German cake and then Schnitzel. Canada could learn a thing or two from Germany about Sundays. There was barely anything ope at all today, and no one was around. The people that were around were families spending time together. It was ACTUALLY a day of rest for them! Why don't we have that? The inconvenience of it was there, but we didn't care. (Plus it was nice to window shop and actually only be able to window shop. Then I couldn't buy anything I wanted!) It's been an awesome second day here. The people are so friendly to us dumb Canadians, although aware learning lots of German, and the experience has been beyond what I could have hoped.
Stay Rad Canada.
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