Bled Jezero to Austria
Got back to the station with time to spare so called in hill and billy's bar again for a beer and it's certainly a less daunting place in the daylight. Quite a nice little bar really.
Checked the train fare from Bled to Jesenice for Fi and it's a grand total of 61 cents, think I can stretch to that. Train due at 17.12 then a 16 minute journey to Jesenice for our first transfer.
After a walk across the tracks we climbed onto the train and the guard came to take the fare. I was free with my coupons and he didn't even bother charging the 61 cents for Fi, result.
If there is one thing I have learned about the Slovenian railway is that I don't think they have a rule book let alone follow it. The train journey was uneventful apart from when we seemed to over run a stop but then you can't blame the driver for not spotting the platform on account of there not being one
Arrived at Jesenice and what a depressing place that is tried to find the toilet and when I eventually did it was locked up. This now explains the aroma from the subway. went and sorted our tickets and found our platform with about 10 minutes to wait. When the train arrived we had to climb up the steepest set if steps we had ever seen. Disabled ramp, I don't think so, jog on!!
After arriving at Villach to the patter of rain and the rumble of thunder, we abseiled down the steps on to the platform and went to buy our tickets to Salzburg. Which due to an error - not naming any names - was going to cost €15 more than it should have done. But that's all in the past now and we will say no more about it.
The journey to Salzburg was another gem with panoramic views on all sides of mountains. Lush and green at their base but white and baron at their peaks. This must be a spectacular place to live but wouldn't fancy the winters much. Every house has a stockpile of logs all neatly stacked and ready for the fire. Will get some iPhone pictures uploaded.
The little station masters are making Fiona chuckle with their uniforms an their peak hats. She thinks they look like little Lego men.
Arrived at Salzburg and it becomes obvious that this is our bogey country. We leave the station to find the hotel directly opposite and make our way to reception. "Hi we have a reservation under Walls" the reply " No your not in this one you are in our sister hotel" turns out it was the uglier 20 minute €15 taxi ride out of Salzburg sister!!!
The taxi driver was the rudest a******* I've met so far on the trip and couldn't get the open door light to go out on his taxi. He got out several times and slammed every door including the boot and still couldn't get it to go off, so gave up. I could have told him that it was a strap off my rucksack I had seen him trap in the lock when he shut it the first time, but I was happy to let the t&@t think his car was faulty.
Any way arrived at the hotel and checked in and it's actually very nice ad the room is lovely. However one small problem we have found, as I am sat in reception typing this is that the free Wi-Fi only applies in reception.
I asked for Internet in the room and he handed me a Ethernet cable, Hmmmmm nowhere to plug that in my iPhone.
Going to bed now very tired and a long day tomorrow.
Night all.
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