Woke up this morning feeling refreshed after a nights kip in the biggest bed in Ireland. Quick cooked brekkie before another surprise from shaky! An hours facial in the beauty salon downstairs. Excellent!!
Go downstairs. Get shown into a darkened room, with soft acoustic guitar music playing. "I've warmed the bed for you" the receptionist says. Why thank you. "just slip your top and your bra off and Karen will be in shortly". Now hold on there bonny lass. This isn't what I thought it was going to be. Im now laid, half naked under a velvet cover waiting for some Irish bird to do who knows what!! Anyway it was amazing!! Warm bed, mood lighting, essential oils.... It's bound to happen. Feel myself nodding off in minutes. Then Karen is purring in my ear with her best Irish M&S advert voice, "this is your exfoliater". Thoroughly enjoyed it though and a fab surprise.
Right now suitably chilled (and if I'm honest ready for bed) we head off into the city. Lets catch the bus. With 150 schoolchildren. Get on the bus and some misery bus driver says "4 euros tirty". get on the upstairs and head off into town. Oh, and it's wet, very wet! Three or four stops down misery guts starts shouting at everyone. Me n Dave think it's a raid and the Garda have got on to arrest someone. No, apparently our bus is on the blink and we all (incl 150 school kids) have to get on the bus two in front of ours. Everyone rushes. Bus driver looks even more stressed, if at all possible. Right everyone on. And ............. Nothing. Try again...............still nothing. I quickly point out to Dave that at least the last bus moved!! This didn't go down well with misery guts, who by this time was swearing furiously. However he got it started and quickly got us into town.
Wandered around a couple of shops first. Then saw a nice jewellers. Bought our wedding rings!! Result. By this time it's pissing down and what face cream is left on my face is slowly starting to run off with the rain. I quickly regretted wearing my coat with the large fur collar as it was starting to look and smell like a wet German shepherd.
- comments
Angela Oh hod this is great. The facial sounded fab. Sorry about the german shepherd though xxxx have fun sweetie xxxx