Sudbury, Ontario Jul 24, 2011 Moving faster! The trains picking up speed were going though Sudbury , I can't post exact location as Rogers sucks here!! Dadi amma wants to do a journal as well I'll grab some paper for her!
Sudbury, Ontario Jul 24, 2011 It's morning finally!! I barely slept it was quite terrible with te train shaking so much. Others seemed to have a better experience, maybe tonight I will wear an eye mask and get used to it. Were having breakfast soon, we ordered eggs and toast nothing too exciting! Alright my food is coming I'm signing out!!
Ovret, Ontario Jul 24, 2011 The small town of Ovret This is actually a very small town with a population of 1000 people. And they do not have cell phones!! There is no signal here. Were as good as we would be in Timbuktu, no mans land. The trees are getting denser and denser, almost as if tenure trying to huddle snugly against our train. It's just 12 pm of our first day, we just woke up from a small nap. Just gonna grab lunch now. Chao!
Caramat, Ontario Jul 24, 2011 Day 1 618 pm Arriving at Caramat, Ontario Lakes and black bears galore!!
Aurora, Ontario Jul 24, 2011 night 1: 1125 pm sleepless nights Were on board!! After waiting in the muggy station for an hour, we are finally on board. We are in the senior/ wheelchair section, the good thing about it is that there aren't many passengers in this box, which means we get our own full two seats for ourself and the ones beside us for full stretch out factor! the lights closed off just an hour ago. it seems like everyone else has fallen asleep save myself. I am not used to s...