Hello hello hello!!!
So heres whats been goin on with us at the moment--- due to the Australia Government we have unfortunately lost our jobs !! Basically the Government had put into place 3 initiatives to help Australian householders cut down on their gas, water and electricity bills- these were new energy saving light "globes" (still don't understand whats so hard about saying bulbs), insulation in the roof and free energy assessments. We were working for the 3rd initiative and Charlotte and I were doing all confirmations of appointments, admin and customer service. We were really beginning to enjoy the job, however on Friday we got home and saw on the nes that the Governement had truly f*#$%d up! 40 000 people lost their jobs all in 1 afternoon! This was only insulation at this point so we weren't really that affected but then later in the afterenoon they decided to put limits on how many appointments businesses can make and therefore as our business is so small it wouldn't have been able to survive!! Sad times!!
HOWEVER all is not lost...our boss has given us a few hours this week and we managed to land ourselves another interview......wait for cleaning hahahaha! We went to the interview on Tuesday and later found out we had made it to the second round cleaning!! We have been to the 2nd inteview this morning and will find out today at 5 if we are succesful?! We both have our fingers crossed as it does seem avery good job- we will be cleaning for 'mercedes ladies' (very big houses) 8-4.30 mon-fri!! We were only planning to stay another month and then move on but if we do get this job we are re-thinking our plan and we think we will stay in Melbourne for longer and really save up the dollars so we won't need to work much after that! We are also toying with the idea of purchasing a car so we would be able to drive up the east coast and then maybe even make it to the West!!
So....I hope u all enjoy reading our plans (which will most probably change haha)
AAAND we'll let u all no if we are successful with our job asap!
As for u 2- Amy and Kim- I would also say i am missing u both,however the sea, sand and sun kinda fills that whole in my life haha only jokin!!!
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