Hi Sean
Why not keep up your travel blog as well for all your day excursions and trips away?
I am enjoying your trip so much as well Sean.
What a great adventure ! angela
Uncle Vincent
Hi Sean,
I'm enjoying your blog, your great photos and the videos. Thanks for the vicarious thrills of travelling in exotic lands. You're a dab hand at the camera alright and not a bad writer either! A book to go with the filim? Good luck with the old stomach. Take Care x Uncle Vincent (Aging Couch Potatoe)
Hi Dear! As I promised, i'm checking (and enjoying) your blog and photos every day! lots of love, xxxxxxxxxx
all the best for your juorney to agra Sean
by train again?
anyway im enjoyingyour stories -you seem to be experiencing lots
and the lassi -well im sure its cleansing and goes nicely with vegetable curry
all the best then Dad
( ill phone you again soon )
Hi Sean, ive been reading your blogs and seeeing the photos
good work son -all quite michael palin really.
it reminds me of cuba in terms of scams and hassle but yet more bizarre. humour helps -just tell em youve just been there or just had one whatever they offer .they usually run away.
glad to know youve got your own bucket and scoop . could be useful. x dad
Hi my dear! sooooooo good to see photos of you and hear you're well and enjoying the beginning of your adventure! what are the chances of meeting someone from your old school? that's wierd, but must've been a nice encounter for both of you! it's been sunny and warm here (ok,nothing compared to the heat you're in!), we climbed a hill in Breamar on Saturday and yesterday we had a lazy day. tomorow we'll do a proper walk or hill climb again, and Wednesday we're going to have a chat with someone in Newton Dee....mild activities next to yours! keep safe and keep enjoying.... look forward to hearing and seing more as you go... love you lots!!!!
The Fam :)
Hi sean! just had a family read of your blog and looked at all your pictures, looks amazing :) lots of love from us all xxx
Hi Seam I wonder how your first day in New Deli has been. By the way can you skype from me from your iphone. Hows the internet availability where you are?
Happy Easter :D Just read all your entries and looked at all the photos! can't wait for some shots of you on a camel wearing your new sunhat and looking all backpacker-ish! ;) xx
Oliver Gordon
Id love to follow your journeys and adventures Sean.