Hello everyone,
So we left the UK behind us on the 17th from Heathrow and as everyone knows there was a plane crash so it wasnt a good start for us, just our luck. After a two hour delay queing for our runway slot we finally set of to begin the 11 hour flight...............LONG! So it's now the 18th, slept most of the flight on and off and I must say Quantas are really good. Had loads of films and TV to choose from, nice food & free drink what more can you ask for!
Landed in Bangkok at 6pm their time, absolutly knackered & sweating hot. It took a while to locate the taxi rank as their are loads of people hanging around outside trying to get you to go in their private limosines! Anyway sat in traffic to get into Bangkok City, it was completely manic, so many cars but at least our driver drove ok. The rest were crazy!
The hotel's really nice but small compared to some of the huge skyscapers next to us. We went out for a little walk to the good old 7eleven and picked up some beers and munchies and headed back and started to watch the long way round, with Ewen Mcgregor, seemed quite appropriate before trying to get an early one as we were both knackered. But had jetlag i guess so would sleep for what seemed like hours but really it was only half hour or so. Finally the morning was here I had a stinking cold (Jen) which kept me awake so wasn't in the best mood. POOR ME he he. Anyway had brekkie in our room (how posh) and then went out in the afternoon to check things out.
To sum Bangkok up so far I would say it is VERY BUSY and abit smelly. SO many cars and all types of people. Traders, beggers, tourists (alot of old white men with thai girlfriends). We where only ment to go for a short walk but ended up trecking miles. Saw a buddist shrine and then went to a really lovely park called Lumprini pak ( I havent spelt that correctly) but it was something like that. Have not yet experienced the thai food yet as the smell from the vendors and traffic fumes and drains combined is making me feel abit sick so saddly had a Mc D's instead (sorry dad ha ha). But will be trying some tomorrow!
So tomorrow we have made plans to go visit the main tourist side of Bangkok to see the Grand Palace a few temples and the national museum. Going to get their by canal boat which i am really looking forward to.
Having a good time so far, to tell the truth I was abit unsure yesturday wheather we had done the right thing travelling as everything is so different and we were so overtierd, but now we have settled in more it's all good.
Lots of love to everyone back home, miss you all
Jen & Sean XXXXXX
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