Happy Birthday to me....Meredith! What an occasion to celebrate a birthday in American soil with the Super Bowl as they SURE love their football! We had a fun day today back at Universal Studios where of course I got soaked on the water rides and held onto my lunch on the roller coasters! There was a special celebration of Harry Potter which was great and to see some of the actors from the movies (Dumbledore, Luna, Fred & George) so posted a few pics in the album.
Enjoyed a nice 'country' dinner at Cracker Barrel on the way home and dined on some tasty catfish before heading back to watch the big game (notice Brady's shirt? Go Patriots and Tom Brady #12!)
My Mom should be arriving tomorrow or so to meet up with Lauren so they can drive back on the w/e to Ontario/winter (haha!) to get ready for Kenya! The boys and I leave on the 10th for New Zealand (yeah!)
We've been taking life easy this week adjusting to school work and lounging around the pool/lazy's a tough life!
- comments
Mo Happy Belated Birthday Mer! Glad you are enjoying your deserved downtime! We sure miss Gryph around here, but Andrea & Blair are keeping him happy. Tillie's one sad pooch, let me tell you. :( It's going to be a very long couple of months. It's almost (ALMOST) a relief that it's too cold to have to worry about taking the dogs out anyhow! Cheers, Mo, Robert, Tillie, & Scoob
jamie Bonjour Brady, Comment va tu et ta famille? Quoi était ton préféré activté en Floride? Ou est tu maintenant? Je veux te dit que Mr.McMurdo et partie maintenant avec Ava et on n'a Douglas une fille pour anglais elle est gentille. Comment était Floride? On a lieu des livres en français de Andrée Poulin. Heidi a attraper un orignal est maintenant on a déstriut la fourrure de l'orignal Merci! Jamie
Kaatje Vendredi, le 23 janvier 2015 Bonjour Brady, Parce que Mr.McMurdo a parti tout la classe est très, très triste. Les 5em années ont fait un célébration pour dire au revoir a lui mais, ils ont pas invité nous!!! Es-ce-que tu aime Floride? Ou es-ce-que tu va après Floride? Que-se-que tu fait en Floride? On te manque, Kaatje
sage acorn Bonjour Brady Bonjour Brady, Bonjour Brady common sa va. Qoi a tu fait pendant ton vacanse que tu aime le plus et le-quelle foto a tu aime le plus? A JHS on fait beaucoup de expereons de sions.bye bye bon voyage. Sage,