As with the rest of South East Asia, the food is one the most enjoyable facets of traveling through Vietnam. Two meals have definitely made their mark; Pho from the local restaurants and the Vietnamese rolls sold by the street vendors. Pho is a beef noodle soup which is normally eaten for breakfast by the locals. Served right, the beef melts in the mouth in a broth with an explosion of chilli and mint. The Vietnamese rolls are an assortment of mysterious meats chucked into a fresh baguette smeared with French cream cheese and topped with chilli paste and an unknown but very tasty sauce. There has been been many a satisfied night using the Scrubba wash bag to scrub the splash of pho soup or the drops of Vietnamese Roll sauce off the t shirts.
At the free cocktail hour in the hostel, we met a Danish guy called Henrick, who is several months into a 3 year trip cycling around the world (50 countries and around 70,000km). His website is if you are keen to follow his progress as we are. The Scrubba wash bag was raised during our conversations and he seemed really excited by the idea having known first hand the woes of trying to wash clothes in remote areas and also the amount of money spent getting them washed in the more developed places.
We had one remaining prototype and, as we were nearing the end of our trip, decided that he would be a perfect candidate to test the Scrubba wash bag on the road. It'll be interesting to see how he's found when he comes to Aus in eight months.
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