Hi all, just a short update on my last two weeks.
First, let me say I am totally heartbroken, because I just made a lot of new friends and then had to go and leave them behind. Two weeks was long enough to share unique experiences, have a lot of fun and create something amazing, but it was not nearly as much as I wanted to spend with these people. Sniff, sniff...
The workcamp was in the beautiful middle of nowhere, Serbia (as you can see from the above photo, which was taken only a few meters from our home). The first project consisted of gathering garbage from the surrounding recreation areas (I have never seen so many plastic beer bottles and used tissues in my life... not to mention tarps, cigarette packs and old chairs, and - once - an entire tire). The second involved sanding and painting wood to build brand shiny new trash bins, to hopefully prevent future littering. I am not optimistic, but we'll see.
For me, the most important part of the experience was meeting other people and making friends... there were fifteen of us from all kinds of different countries, from Holland to Slovakia to Korea, with English as the common tongue (lucky me!). We cooked dinner together, played games, went on field trips to monasteries, made fun of each other, swam in the lake, walked in the forest, argued politics, shared our cultures, made friends with horses, sat by the campfire, drank a lot of wine, and even got a little work done.
Please go and look at my photo album - I've posted a lot of pictures there. Just click on "Photos" above, then click on "Grza Workcamp," then click on the pictures to make them bigger. Thanks!
Off to Romania next, out of the internet's grasp again. Tune in two weeks from now for another update. Until then, peace!
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