Scott's touring Europe
About Scott
Well, we are almost home... just one more stop before we fly back to the States. We are in Naples, the most Italian of Italian cities, vibrant, crowded, great food and tons of churches.
I wont beat around the bush: the best thing about this city is the pizza. There is a place called DiMatteos, on a packed cobbled street in the middle of t…
Welcome to my blog! Rebecca and I are spending 6 months touring Europe, and this is where you can follow our adventures. Click on 'full map' to the right for an Indiana Jones- style dotted line, then click on whichever place you want to read about.
And don't miss my photos! Just click on photos, above, then choose an album (sadly I have yet to post any from the first half of the trip, but since then I've been doing pretty well). And if you want a different perspective, please vi…
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Napoli, Italy
Well, we are almost home... just one more stop before we fly back to the States. We are in Naples, the most Italian of Italian cities, vibrant, crowded, great food and tons of churches.
I wont…

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Antalya, Turkey

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Grza, Serbia and Montenegro

New album created
Antalya, Turkey
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Brad I was flipping through your pictures again today, and I still love this one. That the lake should be younger than the graveyard is just never something that would occur to someone normally. I love it.
re: Old graveyard, new lakeBrad Those flowers are edible. In case you were hungry
re: Yellow and purpleMarcia 7 --- are there really 8?
re: Eight CatsMarcia Wow - what a view!
re: Blue Mosque from our hostelMarcia So many great images, from a wonderful experience ...
re: the road homeMarcia Rebecca looks so happy! And healthy! Do you ever think about just staying forever? nM
re: High above rural SlovakiaMarcia Awesome job, you guys.nWhat fun. nIt reminds me of Christmas mornings spent building things.nM
re: The completed castle