No surprise that you have decided to remain in beautiful Thailand a little longer. Your photos are wonderful and bring back a flood of memories of time gone by. Enjoy the remaining time you have and we look forward to reading all about Cambodia. Stay Safe.
Bonjour la famille Schwarz, vous avez l'air de faire un bon début de voyage. Si le coeur vous en dit, vous pouvez faire un arrêt à Belleville sur la route de Toronto. Nous y sommes depuis la mi-août et nous serions très heureux, Victor, Charlotte, Hugo et moi de vous dire un petit bonjour. Si vous avez le temps, réécrivez moi et je vous fais parvenir nos coordonnées. J'avais laissé ce message dans les commentaires de votre blog sur Ottawa, mais pour être certain que vous le lisiez je le laisse ici aussi. ;-)
Hello Beautiful Family - what wonderful stories and photos! You look relaxed and playful. Love it! Enjoy!
Loving the blogs and the photos guys. Keep them coming. So wishing I were you guys now!!!!!!!!!!
Grade 6 Easc
Thank-you so much for this beautiful description of Rainbow Lake. I imagined me there with you guys. Keep writing to us. love kathryn geraghty xoxo
Thank you so much! I love how you described your paragraph well . We could imagine it in our head. Elodie G.
Dear,Schwartz family
As soon as I started to read your blog I was amazingly fascinated, I closed my eyes and I imagined the beautiful Lake Supirior. After I saw the pictures they were even better and more wonderful than I've ever imagined it would be. I really loved the pictures and I hope you folks have a great trip and I hope you have a great time. Please keep us posted.
Sincerely, Amelie
Hey, its Anna! Hope your trip is going great! The photos are amazing! I could totally visualize the discription of Rainbow Lake Park. I really enjoy reading your blog! Please keep informing us on your trip! I hope your trip goes well, can't wait to see you again!
Steve, these pictures are AWESOME. Just when I start thinking you've made the transition to portraits, you make me reevaluate.
I've been following your journey closely, even though I don't comment much. Keep up the fine blogging!
Debbie Meade
Sounds like you are having a great trip and you haven't left Canada. Enjoy the rest of your journey.
Steve Culhane
Cousin Steve ici...
Si ça peut vous être utile, on a passé 3 mois en Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande et Japon l'an dernier.
Comme vous semblez aller par là, le blog est ici:
Bon voyage
Grade 6 Easc
We love to read your travel blog! It's awesome.
The photos that you took are amazing. We miss Amélie's everyday smile. We hope you keep writing to keep us informed on your trip.
WOOHOO looks like u all enjoyed the HOODOOs
Jodi Woollam
I look forward to the sneak peeks of your adventures. Congratulations on making it happen. Love ya!!!
Dahra et moi vous salue et avons hâte de lire vos aventures rocambolesques :)