Hope everyone is well and looking after each other. I have just a some kind of nasty bug/food poisoning, but had a great time getting over it in the plushest hotel I have ever stayed. We really felt like royalty. Claire now waves at people as we pass them, I hope she stops when we get back to England.
Ruth From Se Asia
hey guys!! so excited for you that you're on the road again. you're in india at the same time as another friend i made in vietnam, feel like i'm missing the party! loving your stories, hope to make it over there myself sometime. take care xxx
Hi you two,
Just catching up on the latest news... Sounds as though you're having a great time. I think this is a great idea and I might just copy it for later in the year. Do you think everyone will be as interested in a week in Cornwall? I'm enjoying Claire's style of blog - keep it up - and maybe write that book. I haven't managed to see any pictures, so not sure if there are any to see - please let us all know?
Keep on enjoying... Eliel
Hi guys!
Sounds like you're both having fun, despite the rain! I love your blogs Claire! Like Vic, I have been frequently checking the website to catch up on the latest.
That video sounds interesting! It'll get Dean back for that night he decided to video us! he he
Take care
Lots of love, Lou xxx
Helloooo! I'm so glad i've written this - i couldn't work out what the sum comments were about and it was annoying me! Feel better now. Sounds like you're having an amazing time - ever thought about writing a travel book?! Your blogs do make me larf. Lots of love x x x
Wow. I can't believe how many messages we have had already. Good stuff, thank you all and keep them coming. If ever you don't hear from us then it usually is because we are in a hillstation or national park with no internet access, but fear not we are usually safe and in good hands. Any important messages can also be sent to us via text message, which we are likely to recieve before an email.
At the moment I am as usual, waiting for Claire to get her lazy backside out of bed. Later we are heading off to an exhibition about Gandhi and then we are going to a colonial fortress for a sound and light show.
Hello Dean and Claire.
You'll have a fabulous time in India. Try and spend time off the tourist track (but keep safe) Went to India a few years ago to visit children I was sponsoring and stayed in a mud hut and had food cooked on an open fire and lived like the locals. A bit hairy at times especially the loos!!!!
Hi again,
I did the sume, hit enter, and it added my message - so I agree with Marie - what's that all about then?
I'm looking forward to your photos, specially the one Dean took, lol.
Have a great time,
Hi Dean, Claire,
Good to hear from you. Ithiel sent me the link to the blog. I'm sure you'll enjoy yourselves out there. It's good to know that boys the world over don't change isn't it!
Ithiel Mogridge
Hi Dean,
Hi Claire,
I am so glad you are in India, having fun. I was hoping that you were not flooded. Weather here has been very extreme. Lots of flooding in middle England.
Tell me about the weather where you are. Do most people speak English? Is the food like Indian restaurant food?
My Mum has made a very good recovery from her stroke and has just returned from a few weeks in Richmond, staying with her sister, my Aunty Jean.
Have fun.
All best wishes.
Marie (Mum)
Hope you are not too tired after your flight. Sohie and I sent you a message earlier but couldnt have 'posted it! Hope you migraine has cleared and that you are enjoying a lovely glass of wine.
Sophie and I went to Primark today I think she would have bought the shop if I had let her!
Looking forward to your first posting! Love to you both..Mum
PS Why the testing sums??
Hello people, hope you are having a great summer wherever you are in the world. Drop us a message to let us know how you're doing!