heya scarls and stu, sounds like your trip is just getting better and better!! scarlett what tattoo did u get?! love readign your blogs, take care
Well you 2 seems like u have had a wonderful time. We are all so proud of you and what you have achieved. Well done. Also so many thanks to the Aus crew who have looked after them both so wonderfully well.. Our heartfelt thanks. Bless you all. Thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!! x x x x Lots of love mum, dad, Dan and Paul.
Nick Bodnar
Well not very long to go now and it looks like you've saved one of the best excursions til last, the whales must have been brilliant. It makes what doing what what you're doing such a memorable time of your life. I bet it wasn't as good as watching Utd beat Chelsea in the Nursery Pub in Heaton Norris!!!! that was a classic night of drinking loads and singing and jumping up and down on the chairs hurling abuse at all the chelsea rent boys!!!!! Seriously, looking forward to seeing you both soon and I'm glad you have both done this. GTA4 awaits you!!!! Online too!!!!! XX Dad
Simon Marland
to the owens and my stockport crew, it was mine and jodie's pleasure to host scarlz and stu for a week and futher subsequent visits. they are both a credit to their parents. bella and scarlz are now best friends and max and stu best mates also. you will see the photo's in due course. both our kids are devastated that scarlz and stu have left and they will no longer get to see them. all credit to scarlz for sticking with her job here in surfers but it's a crying shame she isn't dressed up in a koala suit shaking a bucket for money! a photo of that would've been priceless. stu is probably glad to be out of here as he doesn't have to help me out landscaping in the hostel in surfers. we continue to keep in frequent contact with them and tom and elaine are looking forward to having them stay shortly in sydney. the marland family tentacles are long and far reaching, haha.
e z now,
simon and jodie.
Mum Owen
Hi you two. Great to hear you on the 'phone today Stupotimus!! Not long to go now before you leave 'Paradise'!! Many thanks to Jodie and Simon and their mum and dad for looking after Scarlett and Stuart so well, like Maria said, it really does mean a lot. Thank you. Take care and see you soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Sherbets
Still sounding unbelievable......liking the sound of the goon,am sure the fat face girls could stomach it at 5 pounds for four litres!Even reading about your diving makes me feel sick!Remember how rubbish i was in Egypt on my dive..think you are soooo brave!Glad ou are still so healthy and happy enjoy enjoy enjoy !!!! loadsa luv deb and co xxxxx
Mum Bod
stop argueing u 2 and i dont mean scarles and stu! anyway,thanks 2 all our lovely aussie family for being so hospitable 2 the kids so far away from home and for looking out 4 them. it meant alot. your back on the road now so please take care. luv u loads, miss u loads. xxxxx
Mum Owen
Ignore Pablo - he walks round the house all day wearing just his boxers cos he thinks he is just soooooooooo macho, pretending to flex his oh so puny muscles!!! Hee hee! (Only joking Pabs). He has had an almost constant hangover since Wednesday.
Take care and speak soon.
Love us.
Pablo Owen
Don't listen to Mum Owen about her "freezing bank holiday" rubbish. The woman would be freezing in a steam room. It wasn't that bad by MCR standards. Anyway, i am officially done with education now; had my last uni exam yesterday. All i have to do now is wear a robe and a flat hat and i'll be all all done completely!!!
Glad to hear you two are still having a great time; from your last post it seems like you've seen so much sea, sun, sand, dolphins and turtles that they are no longer 'Wow' things you lucky b*****s!
Anyway, i have a hagover to deal with, so i am off. See you soon and take care x
Mum Owen
Hi you two. Glad to hear you're both ok and that you are now officially deep sea divers or in Scarlett's case diva!!?? Well done both of you. HArd to believe that you are now going into winter there - it stil feesl like winter here -it's freezing. Typical Bank Holiday Monday weather. Take care and continue to have fun. We miss you both. x x x x x x
Hello!! thanks for all your messages, we love reading them! and to the sherbets, yes it got through! can i have someones email address so i can add you lot to the blog? Hope you're all ok, we're trying to keep up to date with the blog but it's about 3 weeks out of date! xxxxxxxxx
Teresa Bodnar
Hey Scarls you are oficially a mermaid now you can dive so you can sing "ah ah ah ah ah ah" and "under the sea" and comb your hair with a fork!!! Keep blogging .