Sheldon and Patricia's Adventures In Travel
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Siem Reap, Cambodia

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Hong Kong, China

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Brussels, Belgium

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Brugge, Belgium
Diana Arnie and I loved Brussels. We only had a day to take in the sights there, but found the people very friendly, the chocolate shops & outside waffle vendors wonderful. Arnie played hockey in Aachen, east of Brussels, and from there Uncle Dieter and Bandt picked us up for a few days in Germany. Would love to revisit, with time to explore. Enjoy reading your adventures, thanks for sharing!
re: Brussels, BelgiumMandy Love Delft - have a BFF there. Fabulous history. Are you going to the Mauritzhuis in Den Haag. Hope so. It is a wonderful museum.. Happy travels and wishing you well.
re: Foggy Day In Delftpatsy cook ask and you shall receive...I was anxiously awaiting a blog,,,,thank-you! Take your cab drivers advice and dress rain proof and warm.
re: Amsterdam, NetherlandsEmily, Sander and Logan Despite the rain and wind, sounds like fun!! Stay warm and dry - love from Calgary!!
re: Amsterdam, NetherlandsMandy Son enjoying all your lovely stories and travel info. You're like a walking wikipedia! Missed you at Book Club last night and thought of you in those lovely warm temps.. I must say I am glad to be back in cool Canada after the heat wave we had in Cape Town over December - much the same as you have experienced in Oz. Much love to you my dear friend and happy travels. Loving your blog
re: Melbourne, VictoriaEmily Wow! Sounds like a fun "farmers market"! Buy any Uggs? The food sounds wonderful and the tennis sounds...well, entertaining! Enjoy the cooler temps in Hobart. Speaking of a Palm Springs loganberry booked his flights to come see Grandma and Grandpa in March!!! Warmer temps for us to look forward to! Much love from Calgary!!
re: Melbourne, VictoriaLynne My very best friend lives in Glenelg. I like Adelaide, but it is a little,too,much like Victoria. I don't think you can get a drink in Adelaide on a Sunday!!!! I hope you enjoy your trip on the great ocean road, we were last there during the winter and the towns were very quiet. I wonder if you will hit Melbourne when the heat does? I loved being at the Aussie open, so much more fun than Wimbledon. If the flies descend on Melbourne in the next week just wave your hand in front of your face- you will be doing the great Aussie salute!!!ll
re: Glenelg, South AustraliaCatherine McGinley Well said,Sheldon. Happy Walkabout! Your Aussie neighbor in Windermere.
re: Perth, Western AustraliaEmily Bon Voyage!! Enjoy the journey...what an amazing experience!! Love from Calgary!
re: LA California, California- travel plan
Sheldon has not added a travel plan yet
Diana Arnie and I loved Brussels. We only had a day to take in the sights there, but found the people very friendly, the chocolate shops & outside waffle vendors wonderful. Arnie played hockey in Aachen, east of Brussels, and from there Uncle Dieter and Bandt picked us up for a few days in Germany. Would love to revisit, with time to explore. Enjoy reading your adventures, thanks for sharing!