On to Rach Gia
We left the hotel early doors and headed to get the bus, office told us the price but as usual the locals exploit the westerners, we did go have a word with the office to check and some serious telling off happened, but there not regulated, they took it and kept the extra 20 dong, but to us it was only 80p so we left it! The journey was interesting the locals use it to transport large items rather than the postal system too, its cheaper and quicker!! one was a set of very large oblong boxes that took up a serious length of the large bus, but people just get on and are not bothered by it, not like in the Uk!! We presumed this one bus would take us to our destination but we were told at a bus depot on route to get on a smaller mini bus, they packed in as many as was possible and on we went, I sat with a local student who was keen to talk and I tried to learn some vietnamese but in 20 mins not alot you can learn!! We were dropped in a street in Can Tho which lota of buses were parked in, but that was not where the next bus was to depart, in the midday heat we agreed on a taxi taking us and our back packs to the depot. On arriving at the depot our idea of plenty buses was not to be, we were to depart at 5pm!! there was a large (to Vietnam) supermarket style shop and clothing place, which using our tag team, rather than lug our backpacks around we had various trips to see what purchased could be made!! Our bus departed soon after 5 and we travelled through some interesting looking places, stopping on the way at a road side food place, I have to say my noodles were the best I had yet and probably the cheapest!!We arrived at Rach Gia, after a short walk we founnd the hotel, which was very nice and crashed out for the night.
Next morning we rose late and headed out to explore the small town of Rach Gia, locals were very friendly and unused to visitors, we wanted to post a few items and get our tickets to Pho Quoc. On route we located a restaurant which was interesting, we couldnt translate the menu, so it was point and see, me being slightly fussy on food at times decided to give this a miss on this occasion! Walking on to the port to get our boat tickets we saw a part of town so unlike the rest newly developed houses, way of life there so unlike the rest, no people socialising outside at all, they seemed to all be insideaway from the way all other Vietnamese seem to have, very odd to see from one street to a normal street here.
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